• ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    Imagine me working on a 6.8" phone and a bluetooth keyboard…

    It’s enough for writing documentation, and for a while I was top notch at writing my docs at my underpaid job, but then I went through multiple burnout, while my sleep progressively got worse.

    Hopefully they won’t extend my contract after November, so I can finally sleep when I want, and not when people that feed their chickens at 5:00AM do.

  • bitchkat@lemmy.world
    1 day ago

    I ended up buying a portable 15" monitor so that when I’m forced to work on laptop, I have the option to use dual display. Basically the same size as a large tablet.

  • ssm@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 day ago

    “I need multiple monitors to see all my content!” -> dead giveaway you’ve never used a window manager with virtual desktops or window grouping.

    Or that you’re a streamer.

    • Crozekiel@lemmy.zip
      1 day ago

      None of those things help you see more stuff at one time… I’ll take physical screen real-estate over virtual screen real-estate any day of the week.

  • Underwaterbob@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    I recently downsized from 2 to 1. NGL, I miss the second in some circumstances, but I also don’t miss the inclination to have YouTube or Netflix constantly open if I’m not using the second for anything else.

  • tankplanker@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I went from 3 to 2, as I went from 2x24@1080p + 1x34@1440p to 2x32@4k. I the jump to 4k with such large screens meant I have a massive more amount of usable screen real estate especially as I do not use any scaling on the screens, although I do marginally increase the font size. I can manage six windows per screen all neatly tiled as long as its not my IDE, that I need a good 2/3rd of the screen to actually be useful for me.

    It would be unmanageable if I tried to do this without a proper tiling window manager though, I use Sway. I particularly like how the virtual desktops work on Sway as I have separate virtual desktops per screen, makes them actually useful for me. Typically I have two per screen, IDE/Terminal and Discord/Signal/Music, Multiple Browser windows and Email/Teams/Office.

  • Evil_Shrubbery@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    This was never not the case for me.

    In CRT era there was just no contest, the resolution (the amount of data displayed) alone was worlds apart. Yet I only ever had one CRT connected at a time.

    Once the LCDs became minimally viable for me I just never disconnected the previous LCD when upgrading/buying another one (I’ve always been a “main screen + support screens” sort of operator).

    Finally LCDs and OLEDs became just too big (and tiling much much better) to have “too many” monitors.
    Yet there are times when I wish I had a mini monitor (one of those candy bar screens where I would just have Signal or something, about 480×1920 pixels, they are cheap but I then remember how silly the need is and don’t want to further consumerism for needles thighs).

    • Valmond@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      I remember when one crt was like 800x600 and another 1280x1024. Worlds apart.

      Another time, another battle.

  • joneskind@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    I must be lucky because I have a laptop + 2 24" 4K monitors setup and it turns out it is too much for me. Now I just use my laptop in clamshell mode with one horizontal monitor in landscape and the other portrait, but I wonder if won’t sell one those and keep the vertical one aside my open laptop.

      • joneskind@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        TBH I didn’t invent it. I think it’s the way Apple refers to a closed Mac laptop since the clamshell iBook. And since I’m not a native English speaker I usually find the expression easier to use.

  • ToucheGoodSir@lemy.lol
    2 days ago

    Ya know if a company is gonna have you work from home they should be paying for your whole office set up :| desk, chair, monitors etc. At least the materials you need.

    • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
      2 days ago

      My work gave me $1000 for office stuff to work from home. They also provided a KB/mouse, three 1080p 24" monitors, a UPS, brand new laptop, a dock for the laptop, cables, a headset, etc.

      I already had my system set up for work from home including two 1080p displays, a 1440p display, mechanical keyboard, wireless mouse with charging mouse pad… Even a headset and KVM.

      I spent the money on an additional battery for my homelab rack (which will extend the uptime of my firewall during a power outage.

      I’m pretty happy with my setup, I combined everything, and decommissioned my oldest display, and bought myself a laptop stand, so when I’m on my PC (selected from the KVM), I have five displays, three wide, and two above. When I select my work laptop, the laptop screen becomes a sixth monitor, and the stand props it up to be one of the top displays, so I have a 3x2 grid of displays.

      I’m usually fine with three for my personal use, but more are not unwelcome, at work I was pushing from three to four pretty consistently in the past few years.

      Though, I find that having a 1920x1200 or 1440p display set up in portrait is usually pretty helpful for work. So I can see more of a page. I wouldn’t recommend doing that with a 1080 display, since most sites that have a static width are optimized for screens that are at least 1280x768 (around 720p) and going down from 1280 px wide to 1080px wide, results in some horizontal scrolling… Which is never fun.

      • CptEnder@lemmy.world
        1 day ago

        Yeah my office paid for my new chair (old broke). Asked if I could have one of the Herman Miller’s we all used at the office since no one was there anymore but they just bought me a new one lmao that was really cash money of them. The Embody is easily the best chair I’ve ever sat in, it’s not even close.

        • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
          1 day ago

          I get a stipend every month for home office costs, it’s a modest amount, IMO, but it’s to partially cover everything I need to pay for to work from home, electricity, internet, even my cellphone, since I occasionally will need to use my personal phone while working (no company issued phones at this place). So if I need to tether to my cell to work because my ISP is down, the stipend covers any costs associated with doing so.

          The expectations are significant because of that stipend, but not unreasonable IMO.

          The amount is separate from my pay, and untaxed. It’s basically a reimbursement for expenses.

          Vehicle costs are separate, if I need to drive anywhere for my job, I can submit the distance driven and I’m reimbursed separately, a set amount per unit of distance.

          It hasn’t happened for me yet but there’s a nontrivial chance I may get deployed to another area of the country, in that case, I get airfare, hotel and a meal allotment daily, as well as a rental car to travel to customers sites for the duration I’m there, all at the company’s cost. I’m reimbursed 100% for travel in those cases. Anything local is just by distance travelled.

          About 80% of our client base is local enough that I can drive myself to their location when needed. It’s rare that it is needed. I have not needed to go to a customer’s location in the 6-7 months I’ve been at the job. Others have, and for the most part, they’re closer to the customers that they traveled to, compared to me, but I should be ready in case I’m ever needed to travel, whether local or nationally.

          Due to the work we do, and our relative size, we’re only (currently) servicing clients in our country, nothing international right now, as far as I know. Our business model allows for it, but our specialty, which is our main marketing point, is pretty specialized to our country, so I don’t think that will change anytime soon.

          The last couple of jobs I held, had similar, but not as generous rules. Talking to the management, they’re primarily interested in ensuring that we, the workers, are happy and healthy so we can work efficiently. IMO, it’s the best management team that I’ve worked under so far. If things continue the way they have been so far, I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon.

        • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
          2 days ago

          Well, if they want to come and unbolt an 80lb battery from my rack and take it away after I’ve gotten a few good years out of it, I’m okay with that. By that time I’ll already be saving up for a replacement.

          • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
            2 days ago

            It’s more likely that they would say “you owe us office equipment or the 1k”, but again that’s just if it works the same way it does where I work…

    • nolannice@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      For me it’s the opposite, if they want me to come back into the office they should at least pay for some decent monitors at the workstations.

  • lobut@lemmy.ca
    2 days ago

    I have a portable monitor just in case and I bust it out if there’s no monitor for me to plug in.

  • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
    2 days ago

    I use three monitors and could use a fourth one (ultra wide) for some specific tasks, meanwhile my colleague that does the same job is working from a 13" laptop screen sitting on a cushion at her coffee table…