This is what my anti communist mom and father-in-law have been telling me. 😂

    2 months ago
    1. It may be that faced with overwhelming bourgois societal pressures including the culture of personal capital accumultation and a liberal/fascist education system both formal (schooling) and informal (media; news and entertainment) bends one’s personal worldviews towards a certain arc. Personal material wealth can of course be a factor here but one only needs to look in the west the perspective of the older poor folks and how reactionary their perspective is despite their experiences are. Their experiences are real but fail to understand the contradictions of their environment.

    2. However, it is objectively not universally true especially when you consider the bulk of MLs in the west and global south come from backgrounds of bourgois indoctrination.

    3. I suspect a significant amount of us here on ML are labour aristocrats.

    4. “You can’t resist for very long a truth you discover for yourself.” ― Nikolai Chernyshevsky (via Roderic Day)