Jesus was magic. When you can pull fish and bread out of your ass then we can talk about giving other peoples hard work away for free.
Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, Jesus gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve baskets full of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
Moisened bints lobbing schimtars at people is no method of governance and neither is magicians pulling food out of a hat.
The Didoche, a survival manual for christian communities during the roman persecution era, teaches that any stranger that arrives at your door should be fed and clothed for 3 days, after which point they need to make their own way in the community or move on.
Giving strangers the benefit of the doubt or taking care of those with legitimate disabilities =/= taking care of junkies or lowlifes for the duration of their lifespan .
They don’t drug test on SNAP Benifits, because everytime the GOP tries to pass a bill to do so, the ways and means committee reminds them that it would more than double the cost of the SNAP program to pay for even the most lenient drug testing. But they do try every few years.
They would rather pay more than the entire program already, to get those filty poors off assistance.
Also some fun facts, most SNAP recipients are children, most are white, and most make enough money to no longer need assistance in under 5 years, at which point they are back to paying taxes. Which pays for SNAP. Making the system quite self- sustaining. It’s cost is minuscule to tax payers, and yet it’s a constant wedge issue, why? Because of America’s greatest fear, that if we do something that benefits people, we might accidently help the wrong people. People who aren’t even white.