Most sophisticated Isra*li propagandist

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Imperial Japan certainly didn’t have any compunction about regularly terror bombing Chinese and other Asian cities full of civilians during the war, so when Japanese war apologists start crying about how terrible it was that they got bombed it’s very much a case of me playing the world’s tiniest violin.

    No, it’s not good that Japanese civilians died in the bombing campaigns against Japan in 1945 but bombing and bombardment of cities in WWII was accepted as a legitimate tactic by both the Axis and the Allies. We can certainly look back on it and say how horrible it was, but at the end of the day we are applying modern morality and rules of war to a past conflict.

    Personally, I see the focus on the atomic bombings (as opposed to the two night firebombing raids on Tokyo that killed more people than both atomic bombs combined) to be a sort of post-war Clean Wehrmacht style revisionism carried out by the Americans and Japanese when the Yanks realized they very much did want to remilitarize Japan to oppose the USSR and PRC. By making Japan out to be the victim of some unique horror of war, there is an implied equivalence that cancels out all the horrors of war Japan inflicted on everyone else.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        3 months ago

        I am Chinese. Both my grandfathers fought in the War to Resist Japanese Aggression and one went on to fight Americans in the War to Resist American Aggression and Aid Korea. Both are now interred in a cemetery for Martyrs of the Revolution.

        But sure, I have American brain worms despite not being an American and never living there. I obviously wouldn’t have any reason other than American nationalism to take a dim view of Imperial Japan, right?

        • And I’m an Algerian, but I don’t support Nazi Germany invading Fr*nce, because just like with the U.S. and Japan they didn’t do it for us colonized people, in fact they killed us too. The nuking wasn’t to make Japan surrender, but just to flex the U.S. power on the soviets and who ever else challenges it, your grandfathers benefited nothing from the U.S. nuking Imperial Japan. The U.S. didn’t nuke Japan for your grandfathers.

          • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
            3 months ago

            Continue to lecture someone from another country about how they should feel about their own country and history is the real American brain worms my friend.

            I don’t pretend to know the complexities of the French occupation and the Algerian struggle for independence, that’s why I’m not going to tell you how you should feel or think about it.

              • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
                3 months ago

                We let’s have a look at the relevant part of Hirohito’s surrender speech to see whether or not the bombs had any impact on his decision to surrender:

                Clear as fucking day right from the man himself.

                • understand me, I’m not telling you “oooh the poor Japanese got nuked this makes all of their crimes okay”, I am telling you that the U.S. nuking Japan brought no good and you yourself have made this point yourself, the forgiving imperial Japan thing wouldn’t be as popular if the U.S. didn’t nuke it, sure the Clean Wehrmacht exist, but there was still a theater of Nazis getting punished, meanwhile the U.S. granted Unit 731 immunity and Hiro Hito died in 1989.

                  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
                    3 months ago

                    the U.S. nuking Japan brought no good

                    No, look at the passage I cited from the Emperor’s surrender address. Tell me exactly what it says.

                    sure the Clean Wehrmacht exist, but there was still a theater of Nazis getting punished, meanwhile the U.S. granted Unit 731 immunity and Hiro Hito died in 1989.

                    There was the theatre of the Tokyo War Crimes trials too. Are you seriously this ignorant about the topic and trying to lecture me? The German denazification process was scarcely better than the Japanese process. Von Braun et al was their Unit 731. A bunch of high ranking Nazis got to die of old age too. America can eat shit for letting both the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese off the hook with a slap but Germany didn’t get nuked and it was rehabilitated just like Japan. It’s almost as if the US was going to rehabilitate both fascist powers anyway, nukes or not.

    • booty [he/him]
      3 months ago

      No, it’s not good that Japanese civilians died in the bombing campaigns against Japan in 1945 but bombing and bombardment of cities in WWII was accepted as a legitimate tactic by both the Axis and the Allies. We can certainly look back on it and say how horrible it was, but at the end of the day we are applying modern morality and rules of war to a past conflict.

      Sure, terrorist style bombing of cities to force capitulation was seen as a valid method of waging warfare, but terrorist style bombing of the cities of an already beaten enemy for no purpose other than destruction of innocent people was kind of unprecedented even then. Generally you stop dropping bombs when the enemy is beaten, rather than dropping all your fancy new, more destructive than ever before kind of bomb as a victory lap

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        3 months ago

        The enemy is beaten when it surrenders. The Japanese did not surrender until after the bombs were dropped. Even then, the Imperial military staged a coup against their own God-Emperor to stop him from broadcasting his surrender speech. They stormed the Imperial Palace and ransacked the place - the recording was smuggled out in a pile of laundry. We are taking about a country run by people with that level of deathwish, you cannot just assume that they were beaten.

        Setting all of that aside, there were still hundreds of thousands of Imperial Japanese soldiers in China and Korea at the time of surrender. Those soldiers were oppressing, murdering, raping and stealing up until the very end. Just because the Japanese military ceased to be a threat to the US Fleet does not mean that they ceased to be a threat to millions of people.

          • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
            3 months ago

            There are soldiers in China that we need to stop, obviously the solution is to vaporize a bunch of innocent civilians in Japan, great idea.

            The solution is to continue to fight against the aggressor occupier fascist state using all means available until they surrender. A naval invasion of Japan was projected to cause up to 500,000 casualties. A naval blockade until starvation might have caused millions of civilian deaths if you take Leningrad as an example of how a starvation blockade would go.

            It is tragic and horrific when a civilian is killed in war, but civilian deaths in war are unavoidable. The guilty party are the Japanese militarists who were refusing to surrender and holding out for some deathride bloodbath (of their own civilians).

            • booty [he/him]
              3 months ago

              I really think you ought to watch that video before continuing to support the US in its completely unnecessary and indefensible slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

              • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
                3 months ago

                As a Chinese person who’s lived in Japan for many years and read about the topic pretty extensively in three languages, I don’t think that I need my opinions to be validated by an Englishman.

                • booty [he/him]
                  3 months ago

                  He makes a very extensively researched and rigorously sourced case that the dropping of the nuclear bombs served no practical purpose regarding the war and that, furthermore, those responsible knew it served no such purpose.

                  Your position is identical to the modern, western narrative which was cooked up as a retroactive justification for an obviously unjustifiable act.

                  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
                    3 months ago

                    I am not watching a 2 hour long video. If you would like to summarize his most salient points then I am happy to respond to those points. If me not watching this video is a deal breaker for you then we do not have to continue this conversation.

                    Your position is identical to the modern, western narrative which was cooked up as a retroactive justification for an obviously unjustifiable act.

                    I would be interested in these western sources which use the saving of Chinese and Korean lives as an explicit justification for the atomic bombings.

                    Also, your position is also the position of the Nanjing-denying Japanese far right so… Idk where that leaves us if we apply your reasoning.