The Misunderstood Genius
The digits in the number 31 have the digit sum 4 which resonates with the planet Uranus. 31 is often written as 31/4 where the digit sum is placed after the slash. To understand 31 more in depth we recommend you also read more about the digit sum 4 here.
What FedEx arrow?
Took me like a minute to find it
There’s also a spoon to symbolise that the couriers were fed soup.
Holy shit that’s crazy
It always pissed me off that they use this as an example of white space use. No one sees it.
Logo designers do.
Because a prof showed them on the first class. But in any case, if logo designers are the only ones to notice, the logo fails its purpose.
Holy shit that’s crazy
There’s a lot of logos with hidden stuff like that.
Amazon’s logo has an arrow going from A to Z, implying they sell everything “from A to Z”
The Tostito’s logo has two people holding chips (the Ts) and a bowl of salsa (the dot on the I):
Toyota’s logo has every letter of the company name in it:
The LG logo has the letters L and G in it:
I hate it so much, but the Baskin Robbins BR has the number 31 in it
What does it mean? I would guess count of assorted flavours, but I am no expert in numerology
The Misunderstood Genius
The digits in the number 31 have the digit sum 4 which resonates with the planet Uranus. 31 is often written as 31/4 where the digit sum is placed after the slash. To understand 31 more in depth we recommend you also read more about the digit sum 4 here.
Yeah they have 31 flavors or something like that
Now if only LG could make a microwave where the LED display didn’t go out after a year.
I got mine 13 months ago, still going strong. I can check how much time is left on my phone anyway.
I guess that will be a useful feature when the built in display goes out.
It’s interesting to me that they used the English alphabet for the Toyota symbol instead of Japanese. Or is that symbol localised?
The US is probably a much bigger market. I imagine it’s the same reason LG is English alphabet and not Hangul. Same with Kia, Hyundai, Samsung, etc.
But this is mere speculation. I could be 100% wrong, happens daily!
I’d guess the Toyota one is just coincidental.
Yeah, that’s quite a stretch from the looks of it