For reference, the German pronunciation, same sound as in hew or human. Knuth says “TeX” is Tau, Epsilon, Chi, and says the Chi is supposed to be the voiceless velar fricative, as in Loch Ness. According to modern Greek phonetics, it can be either, ask an actual Greek how hard the fricative is supposed to be.
Why bother to fit your acronym to latex otherwise.
ConTexT is another one. Would be silly otherwise.
The creator might promote saying tech, but that shouldn’t matter since they Internet ignores the creator of the gif format and swears on ghif instead of the desired jiff…
Yes, but that raises another argument, “lay tex” or “lay tek”… The endless fighting never stops!
Frito Lay Tex Mex 🌮
Anything else is badness 10000
Too bad English doesn’t really have a
For reference, the German pronunciation, same sound as in hew or human. Knuth says “TeX” is Tau, Epsilon, Chi, and says the Chi is supposed to be the voiceless velar fricative, as in Loch Ness. According to modern Greek phonetics, it can be either, ask an actual Greek how hard the fricative is supposed to be.
Looks like we’ve got another argument on our hands! That’s not how we pronounced it at our uni and I don’t care what
Lay tex.
Why bother to fit your acronym to latex otherwise. ConTexT is another one. Would be silly otherwise.
The creator might promote saying tech, but that shouldn’t matter since they Internet ignores the creator of the gif format and swears on ghif instead of the desired jiff…
Camp lah-tek