You’re late by an hour
DANG IT I asked Oha to make this for me, since I don’t have access to a PC rn, he didn’t say he’d post it xd
My friend doesn’t get it.
I thought there was a tangential reference to that recent question about whether there’s a critical mass of water to corpses that people find objectionable.
The example: There are plenty of corpses in the ocean, but people will swim in it. If there were one corpse in a pool, most people would decline the invite that particular pool party.
Mixed with that very recognizable graphic of Saddam in his hiding hole. And balls, for reasons that escape me.
edit: my friend is also a little confused.
He probably never had to go into hiding when a colonising force invaded.
(It’s about Saddys Hussy)
We starting to get mainstream, we have reposts now!
The most important step is always the next
AcHuAKhY it’s the squatting position you assume after the third step that might be the hardest.
Saddam can bite you in the balls. Especially if the water isn’t cold.
Can someone explain the background of this guy lying there (and in other memes)? I’m afraid i don’t know what this is about, pls