Hey guys.

I want to piss off my free loading racist father in law.

I have access to website blocking on my router. What kind of websites would he go to that I should block. I know in an ideal world run Pihole dns and re reroute. But that’s not feasible at the moment.

  • Passerby6497@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    there’s no hidden communities or algorithm creating bubbles.

    Just pointing out that their bubbles are willingly and intentionally created by what boards one frequents.

    It’s technically possible to browse boards that aren’t complete shit holes, assuming that your preferred board doesn’t get raided. Or, more likely, people just don’t notice the crypto-racism on less overt boards, like /k/, or /g/ to a lesser extent based on current events…

    But that knowledge is years old, so maybe the place has changed. More than likely not for the better, but change is possible…