As Republicans start publicly worrying that Trump’s struggles could squander their Senate chances, a veteran Democratic strategist explains how Kamala Harris’s surge is changing the map.

    29 days ago

    It’s really weird how Republicans seem to think this is new.
    It’s been just about the same since even before 2016, for instance his completely unfounded and against publicized evidence conspiracy theory about Obama’s birth certificate in 2011. Trump was unhinged from the start. He was unhinged January 6th, and he is unhinged now.
    Trump never adjusted, he always just sought points that resonated with certain people whether true or not.
    He has done the exact same with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, there is little difference ti Trumps approach.
    The difference is that people are getting tired of Trump, and nothing really sticks.
    Trump is using kindergarten tactics as always, and it has been hard to find a response to, because it’s just so outrageously stupid. But Kamala calling it “weird” has been surprisingly effective, and Trump looks more and more like the idiot he was from the beginning.