• squiblet@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Say there is a manufactured necessity. One cannot reasonably make it themselves or go without it. The manufacturer chooses to skimp on pollution controls or illegally dump so that the owners can make more money. How is that my fault?

      • blazera@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I mean this more literally than you think. What youre thinking of as pollution isnt as prevalent as you think. Its not a lot of ghg’s emitting from factories themselves, and its not factory waste filling dumps. What you throw out as pollution is also the bulk of corporate pollution. Plastic packaging in plastic trash bags in their own packaging to throw out, all of it needing gas burning to ship around. The gas itself being another major “corporate” pollution that oil companies produced but is being burned in your car and the trucks delivering goods to you. You demand all of this pollution.

        • squiblet@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I don’t agree with those metrics, and also the main response I could give is pretty much exactly the same as what I just said. Perhaps one of my problems is your phrasing: “You demand all of this pollution.”. No, I sure as hell do not. If you were to say “consumers demand all of this pollution.” that would be less confrontational, but still incredibly incorrect. Do individuals consume the products of industry? Yes, amazing conclusion you have there.

          I personally didn’t design the city in which I live to have no reasonable public transportation and it’s fairly bizarre and insulting to say that the average person did. I was born into this insanity. Saying that I ‘demand pollution’ because the fossil fuel industry suppressed renewable energy while investing in polluting sources is similarly so wrong that it’s insulting. I never at any time said “you know, rather than cloth diapers, people 40 years before I was born should start using weird plastic diapers they just throw away!”

          I never at any time went to a grocery store and said “you know, when you sell a single banana, it sure would be nice if you put it on a styrofoam tray wrapped in plastic”. I never at any time said “you know, rather than invest in solar, we should frack the shit out of eastern Colorado and SE New Mexico” or “tar sands oil is a really, really good idea!”. And personally, i do seek to reduce my consumption and be efficient.

          So for some reason you’re blaming every individual for society being set up in such a way as to benefit oil and gas companies. Guess who arranged that: people who profit from and operate petroleum companies. Essentially your claim is that since all industry exists to benefit the end user (ignoring the owners/executives/employees benefits) that consumers are 100% responsible for everything. It’s a ludicrous and highly confused way to view the world.

          • blazera@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Alright, you might be more personally aware than others. You also gotta be aware of the responsibility of most consumers. Sales of large trucks and SUV’s are on the rise. No one’s electing people to design less car centric towns, most people want more car focused transportation. Renewable energy has not been supressed at all, in fact its cheaper and more efficient than ever and available for anyone to buy. I think consumers are the only ones that can stop this

      • Uranium3006@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        big oil literally destroyed public transit so we’d be dependent on their products. believe me, living without a car is hard and I’m lucky enough to make it work. and the situation is artificially created for the benefit of the oil and auto industries

        • squiblet@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Yep, I went without a car for several months in a large US city that theoretically is decent for public transit and my life became much more difficult. I was able to make it work, but it has seemed barely sustainable. Now I live somewhere (not by choice really) that is completely impossible without a car/delivery… unless I spend hours a day walking, which would be very hazardous due to everyone else’s cars.

    • Uranium3006@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      But they’re literally not. I have no way of controlling or even knowing about what corperations emit

      • blazera@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Thats whats tripping everyone up, thinking these corporations are off isolated somewhere just producing climate change gases.

        No, what theyre producing is what you’re buying. When someone says an oil company is responsible for however much greenhouse gas emissions, what they mean is the greenhouse gas emissions when you the customer burn that gasoline in your vehicle. Plus gases emitted processing the oil and getting it to the store for you to buy it.

        These companies “taking responsibility” for their emissions would mean halting production of most things you go and buy.

        • Uranium3006@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          this is a systemic issue, not an individual one. I can’t control what a company does, weather they choose to buy 100% renewable energy or not. and what about their suppliers? how could a consumer possible know about their business practices, let alone influence them? this isn’t about people buying the wrong products. the rich are lighting the planet on fire for a buck, and they must be stopped.