Today’s game is Fallout New Vegas. I finally got it to work again after it kept crashing whenever i entered VATS. i ended up reinstalling (after backing up my saves) and now it works fine. I think this game i’ll spend a while on because it works well with my schedule (I can save at any time and it uses up a low amount of battery on my Steam Deck). I at least want to get old world blues done, but i hope to finish the DLC, complete the game, and 100% all achievements.

I took this screenshot while hunting down parts for the “all my friends have off switches” quest. This was in the area with the Spore People and Mr. Gutsy. I struggled with Mr. Gutsy and ended up saying Fuck it and used a grenade launcher on them. In this specific screenshot there is one right below the bridge from me which killed me right after the screenshot.

    23 days ago

    If you have a way to play NES games you should play “Cyberstadium Series: Basewars”.

    Yes, it’s a lengthy title. But basically, it’s robots playing baseball. And if they get on base safely, they’re safe. But if you throw them out, the robots fight each other. And if the out robot wins, he’s safe. If the out robot loses, he’s out!

    And you can upgrade your robots like mechs. You win baseball games, you get cash. You spend the cash on robot upgrades. Now you can fight better, throw faster, hit baseballs harder.

    Yes, I like the game. How did you know?