I’m curious to see what Lemmygrad does in their free time, apart from shitposting on an obscure internet board.

I went out to a park to chill in the shade and read a book / sleep in the grass.

I also spent some time working on my indoor herb garden. My basil started quickly but since a few days, my cilantro has joined the race as well. Unfortunately there are no signs of the spring onions yet, but inshallah they will grow.

I made banana bread with my gf and afterwards we went to a bar.

Today, I will do a workout and follow my cat’s advice of doing absolutely nothing. It’s too hot and with the sun on maximum UV strength, going outside would mean turning into a lobster very quickly.

  • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I’ve been out the last two days with some family. A short weekend trip to a touristy lake which everyone talks about but I hadn’t gotten to before now. Saw a couple cool old cities and towns and an entire island turned into a botanical garden by some feudal descendants of some sort. Grabbed a couple neat craft beers, had dinner on the lake shore, avoided all but the most mild sunburn. It’s been a decent weekend.

  • CannotSleep420@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Contrary to my username, I spent pretty much all of yesterday asleep. Today I’m gonna make the lemmy UI look good on larger screens.

  • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Tried to enjoy the outdoors! Well, I succeeded, but it was so hot I had to take lots of breaks. But I managed to neaten up the garden. I listen to (mostly Spanish) audiobooks while I do that.

    I got through about three hours of Assata Shakur’s Autobiography in Spanish. It’s a great book. One memorable line (if I got the translation right) is, ‘Never let your enemies decide who your enemies are.’

    With a little more sleep it would’ve been a perfect weekend.

    I’m also growing some herbs indoors. I have coriander, basil, and mint. The first two are doing great and I’ve been using them in dishes. The mint is growing but slowly. Can’t wait for some home-grown mint tea!

  • Al-Andalusian@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I installed Gentoo alongside Debian and Windows, took me an entire day 😅

    Also I saw on distrowatch that there is an open source OS on development that can run Windows stuff natively (.exe programs and all these things), It’s called ReactOS. I tried installing it on my PC but the USB just wouldn’t boot :(

    And this isn’t from my weekend but I discovered that I absolutely love the KDE Classic cursors for some reason. I guess it’s because they are so simple and kinda give retro vibes.

    • citsuah@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      ReactOS has been in the pipeline for a long time I believe. Have they made much breakthroughs recently? Would be legitimately awesome if they got it to be usable, kinda have my doubts about its viability as a true windows alternative though tbh, as awesome as it would be.

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Worked 2 jobs, sold drugs, helped a gf w.o a car get to and from work, met some of her friends, watched my aunt’s dogs, questionable haunted experience, did way too much drugs, alienated some people, got a call from my best friend for first time in months, walked through the rain, had a panic attack, sold more drugs, did too many drugs, sexual intercourse, tried unsuccessfully to put my phone down, exported some beats, push-ups, met homeless lady, looked at some clouds, sobered up, collapsed from exhaustion, internal battle between theism/atheism, stole extremely fancy alcohol, made some really bomb burritos, disassociated, dispassionate, disassembled and left the pieces lying around wherever, saw Howl’s Moving Castle for the first time, procrastinated music, wrote a song, asked myself where the time went. All of that shit I guess.