Boy racer out the car window: yah red headed slut! 5min later 60ish woman: you look adorable
Can’t please them all, and why would you want to?
What was that meme? Aposematism is the use of bright colours to warn away predators. Looks like it worked.
Little Old Dog was sedated on Monday for Xrays and is still quite wobbly. He’s a little more lost than usual (this morning he got stuck between a bookcase and a wall in an area of the house he rarely ventures to), so it’s time to Senile Dog proof the house. Poor littlest love!
Naaaw. Squish.
Senile kitty proofing was a thing. She forgot how to meow so finding her got tricky.
Oh no. Toby is so tiny, if he lost the ability to whine, I’d have lost him for ages this morning, he was in such an obscure spot. I blocked it from future access, but now I’m worried about all the other knooks and crannies he might be able to jam himself in… guess my evening is sorted!
Poor old bub. Keep him safe and give him some extra love
Thank you! All the extra love for him while trying to keep him as happy and healthy as possible. Right now there’s far more good times than bad times for him, but definitely mindful that scale will tip.
That’s all you can do for them. As many good days as you can give them
Poor old fella
Nawwww. You poor sweet sweet little moccasin. ♥
so many gentle pats
Oh poor little fella, sending hugs to senile pup 🤗
They were making some sort of Halloween concoction on the telly. Apparently they’re ghosts.
Yeah nah.
Today in year 8 reproduction class: JIZZ.
Imagine the kids recreating that in home ec.
I think that was the presenter’s attempt to copy it, I caught a glimpse of the prepared one and it looked much better. A good indication that their “easy” halloween treats might not be that easy after all though.
Yeah true. Kylie did fudge the top one but still…sperm.
Ghost sperm. Which makes sense really, there must be an awful lot that died leaving without fulfilling their purpose.
Bleh. Phone duty today
“hhhhhhelo IT have you tried turning it off then on again?”
“Yes, I have!”
(The yes is a lie)
“Start > CMD > Type ‘Net Statistics Workstation’”
“Read the line where is says ‘Statistics since’ and a date”
“Oh, it’s three weeks ago? It appears the reboot failed. That happens sometimes. Let’s go ahead and reboot it again”
In the process of sleeving the cards from my recent treasure hunts.
Came across this in my collection which I think might suit tonight.
Enjoy the witches and dragon.
So cute! 😍
look at its face!

2 assignments due today, 20% and 40%
Well they’re mostly done. Just editing. Lots of editting
Sounds like you’re almost there then mate! May your editing be quick and easy!
I hate editting.
Also it takes 2 hours to spit out a pdf
Reminder tonight is the last night for watching The Hobbit on Amazon. They are charming movies, I really do recommend them. 🧝🧙♂️🐲
Happy Halloween. Ooooooooooooo (is that the noise that ghosts make?)
Disclaimer: last year pic. I failed several ways
The cat make it perfect.
Woke up roughly two hours before I meant to. Goddamnit Dragon Age just fucking release so I can sleep normally again
I’ve started out my morning by hitting my head on a door handle at work.
Looking good so far!
the haunted door handle hit you in the head
Roll 4D6 damage
So i found out that baileys whipped cream is a commercial thing.
Need. neeeeeed
Hot water hasn’t been working for last 45 mins… Need it to start working within 15 minutes pleaseeeee
Is it back?
NOPE. Very quick cold shower taken. Fml
Skip the shower, you’re in a fresh corpse costume today
Everyone encouraged to dress up for Halloween to work today. I’m going as an overweight, sleep deprived, depressed desk jockey.
What a coincidence, me too!!!
My outfit is caring about work politics. Spooky!
My toe nails need clipping and I spilt tea on my shirt. I’m dressed as a derro.
Plex migration update: Gave up on Debian, installed Mint. Mint installed great, more options in the GUI this looks promising. It wants an update, no worries go for, reboot aaaaaand it no longer boots. You have got to be shitting me linux. Installed windows, replaced plex files and looks to have completely failed. Gave up in frustration and went to bed.
Fresh enrichment though
I am completely ok with the level of Linux skill I already have. The ammount of time and money I have poured into improving the plex experince is really starting to feel like a sunk cost fallacy.
fair enough. If you do feel like giving it another swing try unbuntu or kubuntu, there’s a reason why they’re so popular.
I’m arguing with Kodi because His Lordship likes the interface but I refuse to change the naming conventions on the fileserver to serve the fucking machine.
I heard Ubuntu isnt popular due to snaps integration. The whole point is a lightweight build to try improve the plex experince so probably not ideal.
Then again, makes windows even less ideal.
eh, you can remove snaps if you want, but it’s a small potato on the other stuff.
I still run slackware for my LA (there’s no M or P) so lol
Ha this is me but with Emby. It has a very simple interface on the Google TV without all the recommendations and extras and bells and whistles and is the one my non-techie wife likes best, so it was my job to mould the server to suit it :/
I’m running the server in a Debian VM, no GUI installed at all, very bare-bones. Wasn’t TOO hard to get set up once Debian was mounting the NAS share properly and it’s been set-and-forget for years now.
My fserve is an ancient beast that basically sits there holding content. I’m happy to use straight up file shares, but His Lordship hasn’t a clue as to half the shows on there and wants to be coaxed lol
Halloween Movie review. 🪄🧹 😈
Warlock . I rewatched again, this is such an enjoyable cheesy halloween movie. The costuming, the old english speech and the way all the actors play it real make this much better than you would expect from such a low budget movie
4 witchy hobbits
The Omen. Also played for reals by good actors. Genuinely scary .
4 devilish hobbits