All I know is if Mr Seagoon ever started talking like in that book at various times verily I would laugh unto I cried.
I can’t mention lebanese cucumbers without hearing “Why do you want them for when you got one right here…”. I fall for it every single time.
Pole, the brave maid wielded the pole against the slippery mouth monster wisely.
👀 go easy on me I’m shy.
🍺🚬 ~continue please~
they are onto that most british of vices, paddling with paddles and shafts after they trimmed all the trees, now they are onto a rougher paddle 🤯
I should explain, they are trying to cross a river but he doesn’t want to strain his body too much
Oh lordy. That really is raunchy.
That’s actually hilarious 🤣
Been a day. Deep breath.
You got this! You are capable, kind, and it’ll be okay. Because you are amazing 💜
thank you studspud :)
I was serving a customer before and the customer behind them started complimenting their tattoos. The customer gave us a tattoo tour, and then I left them to chat whilst I found the product they wanted. I like seeing wholesome exchanges :)
Silo season 2. Do I want to jump back into this mystery? Love the actress hate the accent.
The books are fantastic. Defo jump back in!
Tomorrow’s thread posted! I think I got the date right this time :)
Goodnight all.
Appreciated. I love people who step up.
I came at 12.01 and saw there was already a thread
I have watched Gladiator in preparation for the sequel tomorrow.
Are you not entertained?
It’s one movie I actually wanna go see at the cinema, haven’t been in ages
So after the bullshit day I’ve had, this fucking Christmas thing comes back up again. My brother in law kinda got up my and the Mrs sat there are just said nothing despite multiple requests for her input.
Yeah… good thing we’ve got a couples therapy session coming up. To say I’m pissed off and hurt is an understatement.
This is why I hate xmas, everyone just seems to use it as a reason to hate you, for failing to meet terms that only exist in their mind.
she should be having your back just like she would like to have your back
The spreadsheet of gifts has already started on this end. I need to get up to three gifts for each person (One from wife and I, then 1-2 from the kids). There are two Christmas parties this year, and the in-law side is going to be so big this year, the adults are doing a secret santa to reduce the gift load at least amongst ourselves.
That leaves me buying 25-35ish gifts just for the extended family. Not including the four of us. Experience has taught me that leaving the shopping to the last week before Christmas is a terrible plan. Oh! And the final week of November has a kids’ birthday, Sister’s birthday, Niece’s birthday, Father-in-law’s birthday and our Wedding Anniversary. Gotta get through all that before I really start stressing about Christmas.
far out that is… yeah no way I’d be into that.
If I’m standing there doing trade work let’s say, why do people think it’s ok to just stand there and watch me?
If you’re sitting there at your desk clacking away on your excel spreadsheet or whatever, and I saunter up behind you and just stare at you doing work, that would be considered kinda creepy.
I find it really interesting watching someone do something well, particularly when it’s a thing I struggle with. Don’t generally watch tradies to avoid making them uncomfortable, though - that’s too micromanagery
Because maybe they find what you are doing interesting. Someone clicking away on a keyboard is boring.
I get this a lot when I make pasta in the shop or the girls are making gnocchi, but we are doing it expecting to be seen. It’s performative and customers like to watch us do it because it signifies that what we’re making is fresh or traditional. It’s a bit different if you’re not expecting to be watched by curious onlookers.
thank you, I haven’t considered that angle. I definitely don’t expect it though and quite honestly I’m put off by it.
there is nothing more delicious than someone else organising and cooking dinner and that pizza looks especially delicious
I just had a shake for dinner and a bit of fruit and that’s ok , took 5 minutes
the amount of time I normally spend cooking is too much
Chaotic evil are you?
Pizza for you, pizza for me.
Pizza for Rusty, Pizza for all!
That looks beautiful!
a Christmas Turkey has been ordered 🦃
Everyone’s home from work and I’m going to work. Fun times, hopefully won’t be too busy, I say, knowing it’s a Friday night.
Damn. The new Cure album is really good. Feel like I need to watch the Crow or something.
Meat lovers pizza ready!
My pizza has just gone into the oven now
My pizza has been devoured.
Devouring of mine is about to commence
Made from 100% meat lovers.
Wow it’s like I’m seeing double 😂
Watching tv and thought I was watching a feel good romance.
No. It’s turning slowly into dating a full on psychopath.
2nd time this has happened. Why can’t I have just a feel good happy movie!
What is it?
Didn’t realise at the time because al I did was turn on the tv but I checked later as it was clearly headed into the psychotic stage and found out the movie was called A Date with Danger.
Switched channels shortly after.
If you don’t mind something comedy drama instead, “The Intern” on repeat works.
Or you can just watch The Great British Bake Off, even when the contestants go there’s nothing but love and adoration. They cry cus they’re losing being able to spend all day with their new best friends.
I switched channels. Was going to put on a movie but the movie on the other channel was ok.
Nah I can’t do those reality shows. Worst kind of fake for me.
Got distracted by some other stuff so what was ok and I’m going to make myself another delicious coffee and busy myself in a game for a bit.
I can’t do reality shows either, utterly hate them with a disdain that is beyond even your wildest imagination. Bake off though is really genuine which is why it’s so lovely. Only one I watch.
Loving that you’re doing an early gaming session!
Had one too many episodes of MKR and The Block on tv by accident.
I’m making another coffee and starting up Core Keeper
Just thought.
Have you tried “Resident Alien” and “The Rookie”? Some former Firefly cast and both shows should hit the spot you’re looking for.
Never played Core Keeper but I hope you enjoy your hundreds / thousands of hours!
I’m a big fan of the The Rookie because of Nathan Fillion. I
haven’t seen Firefly but as I understand it didn’t have many episodes and was cut short ending with the movie Serenity which I have seen.
Have watched all of it and waiting for the new a season now.
Resident alien not so much. Didn’t quite hit the right notes with me.
I’ve just put on Castlevania now waiting for the cricket to be on an a little over an hour.
Core Keeper’s addictive and time just flies when playing it.
I’m might start fresh in Starview Valley because the final content patch has landed.
I agree with you. It’s a nice feel good show and you don’t have to think too hard.
The only real reality TV shows are on the sports channel. Everything else is edited/scripted. 😀
Then try the British Bake Off, must be the British one. The only editing is in the order they present their bakes.
So much piss taking and if it were on the sports channel it would be like “we’ve scored some goals and you haven’t scored enough so I’m gonna stop scoring my goals and come help you score some more so you can win too”. It might as well be a comedy and friendship show at this point that also happens to include baking.
That actually sounds really wholesome. Plus I like baking. I’ll give is a shot. As a rule, I avoid reality TV because it’s awful.
Reality TV is truly awful which is why it’s weird me saying this one is legit. As you said, it’s wholesome and hilarious. Minor spoiler Noel (IT Crowd) breaking a contestants thing whilst dicking around hahaha. The “ooops” glares were the best.
You silly. People aren’t allowed to be happy anymore.
It’s weird how there hasn’t been more feel good media content lately isn’t it? Partner is craving it, I’ve had to lean in to my other tastes.
Stand by that “From” is the best thing currently on though.
Although our “The Rookie” binge is taking up many hours and is also an adorable show. Who doesn’t love Nathon Fillon and Alan Tudyk?
I love “From.” I’m currently waiting until I can subscribe and binge watch it. I binged the first series, awesome tv. Then I watched the second season episode by episode as it came out, and the suspense was killing me! Want to binge the third series, or most of it at least!
It’s all always available on Usenet but understand the show justifying paying for it.
What a fantastic show. I had been trying to find something new to watch whilst my partner was busy and ended up binging season 1 & 2 right before season 3 started so there was no way to be patient. Doing week on week has sucked but (zero spoilers) that one “Previously on From” this season was worth it lol, you’ll know which one I mean.
This season’s last episode is out a week on Sunday so you could get stuck in this weekend and only have to wait a little, and then just hope for a season 4.
Stardust also works!