So if you try to go to the Party of Communists USA website, you get a relatively short document by former members accusing the part of really bad stuff like reporting members to bosses and defending pedophiles.

Said members split and formed the American Council of Bolsheviks. As the Party of Communists USA is essentially dead due to these shenanigans, is the new organization worth working with? And can anybody give any perspective about this whole controversy?

    1 year ago

    From what I can tell it’s the same trick the state used on Redneck Revolt - a bunch of insiders accuse the leadership of sexual-based offenses, nothing is proven but it stokes enough controversy that the party implodes, and these “whistleblowers” lead a walk out to start a new party that never goes anywhere and really just exists to be a thorn in the side of the original party.

    A few years back the state tried this tactic on them when they had “other comrades” accuse Comrade Helali of sexual-based offenses. Comrade FinBol has also received such accusations. Seeing a pattern here?

    I don’t believe these accusations personally. The state has used that play far too many times in recent years. I would also not associate with this council of Bolsheviks either. As usual, this is my opinion, one should do their own research.