I am a 23 year old female with a IQ of 76. Ask me anything
are you American? maybe the us can finally have its first female president.
what kind of iq test did you take? was it recent and have you only taken the one?
“kind”? Isn’t it just one IQ test that everyone takes? It was 5 years ago when I was 19. I did another one when I was 14 and I scored 73 on that one.
There’s a bunch of different ways to test IQ, and most if not all tests are known to be pretty flawed. The concept of intelligence being something that can be compared on a single numeric scale is in itself pretty much bullshit - there are different types of intelligence, and the tests tend to focus on random things like pattern matching.
A bunch of “high IQ” people are barely functional on a day to day basis. Basically low scores on an IQ test indicates that you lack the skills to do that exact test - I wouldn’t read too much into it.
If it isn’t intelligence and what is it then? It’s undeniable that some people are better mentally than others. Like obviously someone with down syndrome is going to have less knowledge then someone without down syndrome. Right?
Not necessarily.
IQ tries to measure intelligence on one dimension, which is usually pattern matching. In reality a bunch of different things go into what we consider intelligence. Social intelligence and emotional intelligence are two big ones, that are often completely unrelated to pattern matching. But even within what one would consider “book smart” there’s a bunch of variation - someone could be incredibly smart in some ways and unbelievably dumb in others.
I think the variation within the chess elite is a good example. They are all intelligent in a way that would rank them favourably in IQ tests. Some of them are also brilliant people, but others buy into propaganda or conspiracy theories, some of them may be sexist and backwards, and some of them it’s almost a wonder they know how to breathe.
Another example is practical vs theoretical skills. A lot of theoretically intelligent people would be completely helpless in practical tasks like building something or fxing a broken machine.
There’s something particularly weird about watching academics deal with practical problems. Their stupidity can be unbelievable.
I think a lot of people with downs syndrome can have pretty high emotional intelligence for example, where they can empathize and relate to the feelings of other people.
Not to discount your struggles or anything, but…just so you know…IQ tests are biased against neurodivergent people. I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Level 1) last summer, and one of the tests in the battery they administered to me was an IQ test (WAIS).
About a month after the tests, I went back to get my results. The doctor went into lots of details, but a couple thay stood out were that I had autism and that they clocked my IQ at about 124. The IQ score shocked me as I was a member of American Mensa after scoring well into the 99th percentile on both of their intelligence tests. The doctor clarified that I shouldn’t hold any stock in IQ tests as an autistic person because they aren’t well designed for neurodivergent people since our strengths aren’t usually as balanced as they are for neurotypical people.
I thought I’d mention this since you have ADHD!
I like to think that actually I’m a super genius who actually has a IQ of 240 or something.
Are you happy?
That’s a tough question. It depends on what time
Right now is a good time 😊
Rn I’m neutral
How did you find out about Lemmy? It seems it’s mostly a niche place for tech nerds and commies and you don’t seem to be either? Also what keeps you here? Wouldn’t the NPD push you towards more popular platforms?
Sorry for asking so many questions - your experience sounds very unique and you actually seem very eloquent and thoughtful.
“How did you find out about Lemmy?”
I looked up Reddit alternatives and it came up. Reddit has a bad reputation and it’s got too many rules. It’s impossible to post anywhere cuz you never have enough karma.
“It seems it’s mostly a niche place for tech nerds and commies and you don’t seem to be either?”
Well, I was pretty interested in programming a few years ago because of game modding.
“Also what keeps you here?”
Same things that keep me anywhere. Interacting with others and the interesting communities.
“Wouldn’t the NPD push you towards more popular platforms?”
It has been proven that people with NPD use social media more. I’m no exception I have accounts on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, twitter and SnapChat.
“Sorry for asking so many questions”
It’s no problem that’s what I’m here for.
“your experience sounds very unique and you actually seem very eloquent and thoughtful.”
Isn’t everyone’s? And thank you I’ve worked on words and spelling for a while now.
A gentle reminder that about half the population has their IQ below the average (“about” because average≠median, yes, nerds, I know)
Having it below 100 is nothing to worry about, just like having anything below average is.
Intelligence is thought to have a normal distribution, in which case the mean, median, and mode are all equal.
Also “average” can technically refer to any measure of central tendency.
Okay, you successfully outnerded me :D
I found this thing earlier that says that the average IQ in America (where I’m from) is 98.
Do you ask what is happening in a movie before the movie explains what is happening?
I don’t know what you mean? Can I follow a plot? Yeah it’s difficult for me as I have ADHD but I can do it.
It is more of a reference to the trope of someone asking a question about a movie plot point that hasn’t been explained yet.
Like asking why Bruce Willis’s character can see ghosts in The Sixth Sense halfway through the movie.
So cinema sins then? Nope, no way lol
Not a cinema sin, the aspect of the story is explained later but the person asking the question asks the question that is meant to linger until it is answered.
Watching a murder mystery and asking aloud who killed someone just after they were killed, long before the murderer is revealed is what I am getting at.
Oh, I thought you ment like “how has Daffy Duck been shot in the face and not died” type thing.
Example from my mom- who is that guy with the beard?
In the first scene the guy is shown.
We’re both watching the movie for the first time.
By the way thanks for posting, you have raw courage and I respect that.
Isn’t just how everyone watches movies? I have those questions but I don’t ask the other people around me. Also thank you but how do I have “raw courage”?
Yeah that’s the way everyone watches movies. Some people ask these questions out loud during movies and it’s incredibly annoying. My mom did it all the time.
I suppose posting anonymously on the Internet isn’t raw courage. I was being over generous and treating you like a child that needed encouragement instead of an adult like you deserve. Sorry for that.
But yeah even putting yourself out there online is pretty brave if you ask me.
Thanks for apologizing. Putting yourself out there on the internet is easier then you think
Are you frequently dissatisfied by imagining things that should be possible but being unable to do them?
Yes absolutely. I really wanted to do game mods that one point however I’m not good at programming obviously.
So I’m not necessarily someone with a lower IQ ( I think) but I have been going to therapy to help with my autism and ADHD. One thing that looking back really set my life back was not trying because I thought I would already fail. Once I lost confidence in myself it was pretty much all downhill from there.
What I’m trying to say is how you label yourself (in this case “I have low IQ”) might be limiting what you can achieve before you even try. Don’t view yourself through that one outlook. Don’t let it limit yourself. After I started doing poorly in school because of my ADHD I just pretty much gave up on trying a lot of things I wanted to try because it might be harder for me than the average person. You’re still young enough that you can achieve a lot! Make sure you explore your interests and don’t get discouraged from small failures!
You shouldn’t let that limit yourself. Contrary to popular belief, the brain is much more fluid and adaptable than previously thought. IQ tests give a single number to represent something as complex as human intelligence, and while psychometrics can provide some kind of quantitative insight into how our brains process, organize, and distill information, it is by no means wholly representative of intelligence.
You have the capability to learn and grow. Maybe it takes a tad bit longer, but with determination and willpower (something not measured with IQ tests), you can learn just about anything.
I have MUCH more respect and appreciation for those who work hard to achieve their goals than I do for those who are naturally talented but stay within their comfort zones. If you challenge and push yourself, I think you’d be surprised with how far you can end up going 🙂
On the other hand…
Me too. Thanks for answering. I imagine that imagining so many possibilities and desiring them and striving for them is a common human experience.
For what it’s worth, free IQ tests are notoriously bad for evaluating general intellectual capacity, and tend to evaluate visual pattern recognition.
On top of that, you can learn how IQ tests are evaluated and score higher on them in a matter of seconds.
For example:
The answers are in the diagonals.
For this example, on the diagonals are the number of dots.
For this example, on the diagonals are the arrow directions.
Having this knowledge can easily boost your IQ score by 10.
In any case, intellect has many different facets; memory retention, memory recall speed, emotional intelligence, motivation, visual/spacial, verbal, etc.
There are people who are Mensa certified geniuses who can’t hold a conversation to save their lives, or boast to others about their score, which is… really dumb.
If you put both diagonal directions in would you increase by 20 or fail?
Nah you average it. 10+10/2
Know what you’re talking about. There’s a guy on YouTube who’s in a similar situation to me called Mark Malloy. He talks a lot about IQ maxxing shall we say.
I just found this video by him.
It perfectly encapsulates what I’m talking about, when I say motivation is a part of intelligence. A raw IQ of 150 is functionally useless, and letting that potential go to waste is… really dumb.
This guy Mark, is motivated to attain gainful employment so he can sustain himself, and is trying to improve his intellect in the meanwhile, which demonstrates a intuitive wisdom most people lack.
Yeah that’s him…
I’ve been working on my motivation it’s hard but I give myself goals. I would love to have a higher IQ somehow.
I watched a few of Marks videos and I’m not convinced he is as stupid as he believes himself to be, just read the comments on his videos.
Through my life I’ve been told by people I’m smart, which gave me an ego, and lead me to being an asshole to people I deemed less intelligent.
Later in life I began to resent the association, and I almost reflexively deny any assertions that I am anything other than slightly above average.
As aforementioned, getting stuck on how intelligent you are is the wrong metric to evaluate your personal worth. I wish that instead of being told I’m smart, that people praised me for my effort.
For example, if there was a word I’ve wrote which you don’t know the meaning of, look it up - that’s a very simple way to improve your vocabulary, which helps to improve how you navigate your own mind.
I feel that encouraging growth is far more important than telling someone they have some kind of innate talent, and it’s something I live by.
If I can offer one resource for you to study to “have a higher IQ”, it’s learning about logical fallacies.
To put it simply, people are stupid because they fail to recognize flaws in their own thinking. With the link I’ve given you, click on each fallacy and try to think of a time when you’ve committed that fallacy.
It can be a bit wordy, so don’t worry if you don’t entirely understand the definition. Try to infer the meaning by reading the examples in bold at the bottom of each fallacy.
Even very intelligent people are not immune from logical contradictions, so don’t be disheartened if you begin to recognize you’ve got some bad habits.
And whatever you do, if you notice someone else committing these fallacies, keep it to yourself. Too many people learn basic epistemology (study of knowledge itself) and think they’re capable of debating others by dismantling the other persons arguments by citing their fallacies. This is… (say it with me)… really dumb!
Do you think that like an opposite to the Dunning/Kruger effect were really smart people think of them selves as dumber than they really are
There is the impostor syndrome.
Absolutely, though I wouldn’t say it’s an opposite Dunning/Kruger, just that smart people are further along the x-axis.
Having the knowledge to understand how much you don’t know is both a blessing and a curse.
The curse: It is hard to project a true sense of authority, because to yourself, you do not believe you’re competent enough.
The blessing: humility. You understand that everyone fits on the graph somewhere.
I’ve tended to score suspiciously high on most aptitude/iq type tests my entire life (70s kid, among the earliest ADD diagnoses, etc) and tbh i think I am quite a lot dumber than those tests imply.
Show of hands all y’all “talented and gifted” kids that never did nuthin …
*edit: to be clear, I don’t think ‘raw intelligence’ or anything similar necessarily confers a lot of life benefits. It can, but doesn’t always or maybe even most of the time.
G&T represeeeent
I hate my life and feel like worthless garbage. 👌
This resource is also very helpful.
It explores biases which virtually everyone holds, and might be easier to understand than the other link.
Is that the intended solution to the question, or just some sort of hack? For me, when solving that, I notice the arrows are rotating clockwise when viewing each row left to right, and that each row contains a triangle with 1, 2, and 3 dots. Same answer, very different strategy.
I followed the exact same logic.
IQ tests generally start out easy, and have multiple solutions to account for different pattern recognition.
The later questions will only have one correct way to solve the question.
The reason I demonstrated the method of solving the question this way is because many IQ tests rely on this format.
Many people will look at the columns and rows, but not the diagonals, thus, why having the knowledge is a huge boost.
Do you prefer cotton over polyester
I’m indifferent to both
Do you eat your toast butter side up or butter side down?
What is blood waffling about?
Thank you for answering so many questions. This is a very interesting thread.
Do you feel supported by your parents and friends IRL or rather misunderstood?
No problem
“Do you feel supported by your parents and friends IRL or rather misunderstood?”
By parents definitely not but with friends I feel very misunderstood. They always use words like “R*traded” “sped” and “spaz” and they always use low IQ as a insult. Not against me but just as general banter. They don’t know about my IQ or learning disabilities so it’s very isolating to hear them say those things as I am all of them.
I’ve personally known PhD’s with learning disabilities who excelled where others did not. They told me, independently from each other, that it was determination and hard work that got them ahead of everyone else, not intelligence. They simply worked harder than everyone else. It’s not intelligence that gets you ahead, it’s the effort that you put into it.
Easier said than done. I was never the best student in school at best I only ever got B’s and C’s and I had to repeat the 7th and 9th grade. I was a super senior I graduated at age 20. I understand I’m not as impressive as other people but I’ll be dammed if I didn’t work my ass off for what I’ve got.
I’d hire someone that’ll work their ass off sooner than someone who was a slacking smart ass. Hard work makes the world go around!
How much you offering?
Did you feel or believe that you might have a below average IQ before you took the assessment ?
I did my first IQ test when I was 14 and I did don’t expect the results
What do you do for work? What level of education have you completed? Were the results a surprise? And most importantly, has it affected your self-esteem at all, or do you know how little an IQ test actually means? (As an example, I’ve taken a few for fun and got about double your score each time, but I haven’t finished college and was a B- student at best).
“What do you do for work?”
I’m a burger flipper at Burger King.
“What level of education have you completed?”
I was a super senior at high school graduating at age 20 and I never went to university or college although I would like to.
“Were the results a surprise?”
Yes they were.
“And most importantly, has it affected your self-esteem at all”
I’m not capable of low self esteem. It’s more like I feel shame and anger for it.
“or do you know how little an IQ test actually means?”
I hate people saying this. It’s like if you were blind and everyone who could see told you that vision doesn’t mean anything. I have seen first hand how IQ affects you. I remember how different I was to the other kids in my school. The way they could just learn things I couldn’t. I’ve experienced how my IQ has singled me out from everyone else. Do you know what it’s like to come to terms with the fact that no matter how hard you try you’ll always be slower then everyone else? Do you know what it’s like to come to terms with the fact that you’ll never be a nurse, programmer or go to university/college no matter how hard you try? Do you know what it’s like to come to terms with the fact that you’ll never develop over the mental age of a teenager? No, you won’t so fuck off with this corny bullshit about trying your hardest. Real life is not some cheesy sports movie where you really put your mind to something and overcome all the odds. That doesn’t happen in the real world. Kid.
Right on - are there any jobs you’d rather be doing? I’ve been thinking of retraining to become an animal handler, lately 😆 I think you might be able to do that with a low IQ! Maybe that’s more satisfying than flipping burgers… Though I got a craving for a whopper now.
Who knows I may be serving you burgers on the week days. I would love to become a nurse or maybe a game developer.
Even if the IQ tests you took were accurate (probably weren’t), they test a very specific type of problem solving intelligence. That type of intelligence may be required for abstract reasoning like physics and maths, but it’s not necessary for being a successful human.
There are many other types of intelligence that are not tested for in that test. Other types of intelligence that can have a much bigger impact on one’s success.
One example is physical or spatial intelligence. My brother for example is just good with his hands, taking things apart, putting them back together. He’s a mechanic now, but this trait was apparent before he could talk - he used a screwdriver to take apart a chair, and he would pull out drawers to use them as a ladder to get up on the kitchen counter.
Another type of intelligence is social or emotional intelligence. Some very high IQ individuals would test very very low if this one had a test. But this can have a bigger impact on your relationships, on your life, and even on your career than the IQ type of intelligence.
Artistic and creative intelligence, athletic intelligence. There are many other kinds. Some people are really good at gardening or farming.
You can read and write, which would make you a genius scholar a few hundred years ago. Don’t worry about a number on a test. Just like your grades in school they don’t matter. It absolutely does not indicate that you won’t mature or that you’re inferior to anybody.
It’s like if you were blind and everyone who could see told you that vision doesn’t mean anything.
It’s more like if you were blind, tested your running speed, performed poorly, attribute all your problems to being a bad runner, then everyone tells you that running speed doesn’t mean anything.
I acknowledge that there’s things that are more difficult for you and that negatively affects your quality of life, but it doesn’t sound like those problems are the same ones that IQ tests are measuring. If you care to work on improving your situation, it’s important to know what the actual problems are before you can even start trying to address them.
Thank you for your works. I do have other problems in my life I’ve never denied that.
I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m autistic and much older than you, so yeah, I do actually know what it’s like to have to come to terms with my own limitations. I know exactly what you mean about being angry and ashamed of those limitations. Every time I fail to extract myself from a situation and have a meltdown, screaming and hitting myself in the head - sometimes in public - and having to face that, what everyone saw, once I’m calm and quiet and lucid again. Every time I look gullible because I fall for some obvious bullshit (satire or parody news, for example). Knowing I could be more if I could just understand people, and get them to understand me.
That’s what I mean when I say IQ tests don’t really mean anything, they measure just a few aspects of intelligence and it doesn’t tell you anything meaningful about a whole person. My partner has been told by people she thought were friends that she’s dumb and she doesn’t bring anything to the table, and it destroyed her self esteem, but it was absolutely not true or fair and I’ve spent years undoing that damage. I was hoping you don’t suffer that too, that’s all.
I didn’t once say anything about trying your hardest, but if you really want to expand that last half of my last question into a whole point, then it should be this: you are perfectly capable of living a good life, being happy, and making others happy, regardless of a score on a test.
That’s what I mean when I say IQ tests don’t really mean anything, they measure just a few aspects of intelligence and it doesn’t tell you anything meaningful about a whole person
Are parts of someone’s intelligence not a meaningful part of them? And I don’t mean in the “other people should judge them for it” sense, just, in general it seems like a pretty notable piece of you.
Are parts of someone’s intelligence not a meaningful part of them?
As meaningful as any other fraction of a part of a person by itself, and no - it’s not as notable as most people would like make out.
- Are just a few aspects of someone’s intellect (working memory and speed/accuracy in information processing) the whole of who they are as a person?
- Are the only valuable parts of a person those aspects of intelligence a given IQ test is designed to measure?
- Is it impossible to live a good and fulfilling life, if you score poorly on such a test?
If you answer those questions “No”, then you get it. For myself and my own experience, I find plenty of joy and meaning in my life despite my deficiencies; whether I can remember a factoid instead of having to look it up, or whether I can calculate a percentage tip in my head vs using a calculator, hasn’t impacted that at all.
How did you test your iq and did what did you expect of the results?
I got a test from MENSA and I was expecting the results as I did another IQ test when I was 14
Googling Mensa: Mensa international:
This online test gives an indication of general cognitive abilities, represented by an IQ score of between 85 and 145, where 100 is the population average.
Did you take this test? If yes, how was your result below the lowest value?
She misunderstood the number.
I don’t know what Mensa is and if they have different types of tests or smth