In a groundbreaking achievement for the action role-playing game genre, Path of Exile II has surged to an unprecedented peak of over 500,000 concurrent
I thought i would wait but since you get your money spent on EA as in-game currency also I bought it. Also noticed that I had a ton of stash tabs already as they transfer from the first game also. In days of scummy microtransactions and moneygrabbing companies this was a really nice move of GGG.
It does - but with a bit of patience you’ll get to play for free within a year or so.
6 months is the plan.
No, at least six months is the plan.
I thought i would wait but since you get your money spent on EA as in-game currency also I bought it. Also noticed that I had a ton of stash tabs already as they transfer from the first game also. In days of scummy microtransactions and moneygrabbing companies this was a really nice move of GGG.