Let’s face it, the dems don’t care about the commoners, the republicans are actually pure evil, everyone was happy when that shitstain CEO got shot.
Maybe we should build on this momentum we have to drive actual change at the political level.
my first act as president in 2029 would be to issue a full and unconditional pardon of the billionaire killer.
well alrighty then, followup question, does anyone want to join my newly formed political party? I’m going to start working on drafting our mission statement, or manifesto or whatever it should be called.
Further Edit: I set up a lemmy community for us to post shit about it. If you want to join, that’s our official, unofficial space. https://lemmy.world/c/newpoliticalparty
But without rich people, who’s going to fund it?
With enough momentum, we can start a grassroots movement.
They just arrested the only one of us with enough guts to do anything tangible about the fucked up system. If we stop now, he’ll go down, shit will stay the same. We need to be outraged. We need to be out there, shitting on billionaire CEOs of insurance companies. We need to make sure that nobody forgets who holds the actual power. It’s not them, the wealthy few, it’s us, the masses.
Our grandparents parents pulled off more difficult shit with less than what we had, we cannot let these fuckers take back what was fought so hard for.
Well, good on you man. I’m skeptical this event can be pivoted into actual positive change for the average American, but if you have enough resolve to make a go of it, you’re a better man than I.
Right now we don’t have a left wing party in the US. We have a right wing party, and a right wing fascist party. As much as members of the fascist party love to shit on the Democrats for being leftists, most of them aren’t actually leftist.
The fascist party calls the dems liberals, as if it describes someone who’s left of center. In the rest of the world, liberal describes someone who is right wing. It seems like the rest of the world knows better on that one.
Should you? Why shouldnt you?
Probably doesn’t have enough money
All part of the plan init.
Because it will only spoil whichever major party is a little more closely aligned with it.
Can you elaborate please, cause USA doesn’t have a real left party at the minute, does it?
This video gives a great visual explanation of why third parties in US politics can only be spoilers. They cannot build anything.
America already has “real left” parties like the Peace & Freedom party and the Green party. Starting yet another tiny party to occupy the left will add nothing. And trying to grow any of these third parties can only do one thing: take votes from Democrats, thereby helping Republicans.
It’s easy to say “US doesn’t have a real left party” but most people who care about that would rather not hurt Democrats and help Republicans, because Democrats are at least closer to the left out of the two major parties, even if neither is as far left as we would like.
The only option is to join the Democratic party and attempt to shift it left. This is exactly what America’s most prominent 3 leftists have done: AOC, Dennis Kucinich, and Bernie Sanders. They know that 3rd parties are a death wish. This is an objective fact. Everyone who cares about the left needs to grow up, accept this, and move on. Just like Bernie has. You don’t see him calling for a 3rd party. And he’s clearly a “real leftist” by any measure.
Yeah, FPTP. Im British mate. I know all about it.
By real left, Im talking real terms, not relative to other parties.
I answered you, mate. These parties DO exist in the US they are just really small, and this is why.
Theyre small cause of a lack of funding and an education system and media that tells people anything left is evil.
In the UK we had Jeremy Corbyn run for PM in 2017, in spite of a character assassination that said he supported the IRA and would ruin the country (That was never backed up with any facts…), and people saying Labour just get us in debt (Again, bollocks.), he still came incredibly close to winning, much like Sanders.
Since you seem interested, start one. Don’t ask someone to do it for you, or for their approval. Do what you truly believe, not what others support.
Seeking approval is kinda what politics is. That’d be the poll in politics.
I’m part of the forward party if you wanna check it out.
Y’all need an actual left of center, worker based party to undo this late stage capitalist nightmare that’s happening now
you’re god damned right.
Phew, a lot of their Democrats actually seem to think they sit left of the spectrum, and they already get called commies by their right wing. Their brains might split in two when they realize that their Democrats are merely another side of the same liberal coin…
It exist already. Join PSL
Pumpkin spice latte?
i would, but they appear to be tankies who support the NK government and the CCP. I’m very against those failed worker states.
I have to agree I find PSL disappointing. In their long history they don’t seem to have put even a dog catcher into elected office.
It’s a revolutionary party, the focus is not exactly on elections
Then it’s a dumb revolution. No new human system can arise that doesn’t use remnants of the old. Observe the current revolution happening in the united states. The MAGA fuckers are putting their cronies into positions everywhere, with the clearly stated purpose of destroying our current system.
A revolution that envisions a clean start untainted by what came before is the revolution of a naive child.
Revolution doesn’t mean throwing the entirety of past society away, but changing whose hands its in.
Then I don’t see why you are disagreeing with @sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml here.
Do you know why they do, and can counter their reasoning? Why do you call the PRC a “failed worker state” despite 95% approval ratings? I suggest you start with theory before trying to do something new with no foundation. I made an introductory Marxist reading list, if you’d like.
Get the hell outta here.
What happened on June 5 1989 in Tiananmen square?
What kind of pivot is this? What are you trying to accomplish, here? I asked you a question, if you can’t answer that and instead respond with rudeness, then why would I ever answer what you ask?
Because I don’t deal with dumbass tankies who simp for pooh bear and his little brother Kim.
If you want a new leftist political party you are going to have a hard time finding one without leftists. It is also worth questioning why it is you agree with the state on those points. What makes you think they would not lie and slander their enemies?
Don’t see why shitting on rich cunts needs to be political, they are a problem and they should get what they fucking deserve Joker style, simple as that.
But if we’re making new parties anyway, one of the primary mandates should absolutely be about completely and utterly ruining the lives of anyone that makes an unnecessary amount of money or hurts others for personal gain.
we’ve been shit on too long by the ruling class, it’s time we shat back.
We need to dismantle the economic policies which were set when reagan took power. bring back the 75% tax on the wealthiest, tax the shit out of big corpos, tax the shit on inheritance taxes when it’s over a certain threshold, end for-profit healthcare and hearth insurance. And undo whatever the hell don the con is going to do when he takes office.
If you want to join, please go to the community https://lemmy.world/c/newpoliticalparty, we need to get the ball rolling so we don’t lose this momentum
Join Working Families Party. https://workingfamilies.org/
They seem good, but as a disabled person who can’t work, the name is icky.
Everyone can work in some way
That is completely untrue and shows you don’t really understand the complexity of disability.
I literally cannot.
I’m able to spend about 30mins-1hr total per day on my phone doing simple tasks. And that’s because I’ve improved, most of my illness course I’ve been unable to use my phone of communicate in any way at all.
I’m completely bedridden and unable to speak, deaf, unable to tolerate much sound or light, tubefed and slowly dying.
I cannot work.
you have spent quite a bit of time reading, comprehending and replying to this comment thread. thank you for expending that energy to enlighten us about your situation.
Work is more then just wage labour. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Well when politicians constantly use work and labour as a way to shore up support, it very quickly forgets and leaves behind those who can’t.
“working people deserve a living wage” (does that imply non-working people don’t?)
This is a “black lives matter” messaging situation. Just because working people deserve a living wage doesn’t mean other people don’t.
It’s annoying that this isn’t obvious. But I agree that it’s not.
Not really. There isn’t a systemic problem where the lives of black people are valued more than others. The systemic problem is that black people’s lives are valued less than others.
There is a systemic problem where the lives of people unable to work through no fault of their own are valued less than those who can work.
Good point. So it’s more akin to saying “black men’s lives matter” then. Both are oppressed groups, one more than the other, but why dice it up like that?
I think the answer in this case is that the solutions are different. One is about improving disability and healthcare, one is about minimum wage. But they didn’t make it nearly clear enough that they would improve disability. They only focus on the minimum wage message.
Third parties don’t work. Support progressives and progressives only in the Democratic Party. The Working Families Party is a fantastic party as well.
fuck the democratic party. they’ve failed us, it’s time to bury the corpse.
It would be more effective to focus on supporting a progressive candidate for the DNC chair. The prospect of establishing a viable third party is extremely challenging, given the existence of nearly 20 “progressive” third parties that have struggled to gain traction. As someone who served as the chair for the Ohio Green Party, and was a platform builder for an already defunct progressive party, I have firsthand experience with the obstacles such efforts face. I’ve learned from my mistakes. The Progressive Caucus, Justice Democrats, Working Families Party, and more are great organizations to organize with. AIPAC out-funded progressives, but now people know that AIPAC is the reason the Democratic Party is terrible, and now volunteer and donation signups for progressive orgs have raised.
I live in oregon, and I am looking to support progressive organizations more. Do you have any resources I can use to identify which organizations here are the real deal versus ones just pretending, or ones that are totally irrelevant?
I think it would be easier to convince a few people to take out more CEOs than it would be to convince all the progressives in America that the DNC is worth investing more energy in.
Unfortunately, it is the only choice we have, that or violent revolution.
Yeah sure, so they can rig their primaries again.
Again, that is why we need to push for the DNC chair to be a progressive.
Heard this for 30+ years and watched the Dems just go further right. Don’t think it works bud.
Yeah, creating a third party seems a lot easier and more effective than taking over an existing party like the tea party did.
If you do. I think it’s a great idea.
But don’t fall into the “green party” loophole of just sabotaging neo-liberal democrats and helping literal facists get elected.
Start local. Run for seats you can win. Priosritise states with open primary systems.
We need a grassroots movement.
Right now is actually the perfect time to create a third party. You have effectively two years to get people excited about an actual progressive party and if the DNC come knocking saying you’re going to split the vote, tell them that they are splitting the vote and they should fold into you.
I’m fucking tired of the Democrats learning the wrong lessons from lost elections. They’d rather lose than give up power.
Or hijack the democratic platforms like how magats hijacked republican party.
There is a reason why it worked for the Republicans and won’t work for the Democrats: the bases are vastly different.
Republicans, by in large, will vote for a Republican even if they don’t like the candidate. I saw this a lot when I was a poll worker. They don’t even care about their platform. So long as they have an R at the end of their name, they get a vote from Republicans.
While Democrats vote Democrat, they’ll only come out to vote if they are energized. They won’t come out to vote if they don’t feel like you’ve earned it. We saw this in 2016 and 2024.
Simply put, Republicans are more reliable voters.
The Democrat tent is very large with often conflicting values. A lot of single-issue voters will simply stay home than to vote for a Democrat. Because of this, it is rare when a candidate will arise that will galvanize and coalesce the base.
The last time it happened was Obama.
Doesn’t even have to be progressive per se, just an “Eat The Elites” party would probably do well as the one and only platform at this point.
But don’t fall into the “green party” loophole of just sabotaging neo-liberal democrats and helping literal facists get elected.
Let me translate that for you:
I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action
If you’re offended, white moderate, then take it up with MLK Jr.
Based on how the public reacted to a dead parasite there is clearly demand for the alternative to current clown regime.
The Adjuster’s hard work last week really highlighted that people are tired and ready for a change.
He has done more to galvanize the public than anyone during my life time.
It’s not going to amount to anything if he’s the only one taking action. If we’ve all just been waiting for things to get started then where is everyone now? I’ve seen tons of “I’ve got my pitchfork ready for when things get started” posts over the last few years but now that it’s supposedly here I only see the one pitchfork.
Obviously I’m not doing anything either but the question I’m getting at is, is it fair to say the public has been galvanized if it’s just one guy doing one thing while a bunch of people watch?
At least everyone can agree that we support him… So that’s a step in the right direction.
I am not sure what will come of it but shit posting in his support has to be rattling the owner class.
So there is sone benefit there too.
Bigger picture is that we need politicians to do something but they won’t
It seems they don’t care to do anything for iseven if we vote for them.
Lol good luck buddy.
Maybe move to Vermont and join the Vermont Progressive Party (or any already existing political party) instead.
Theres not really a “shitting on the rich” movement, like there no real socialist movement in the US that has enough support. The best you can hope for is Social Democracy / Progressivism. And thats probably gonna remain local within a city or state, but never gonna make it into the national level.
The other option is: Join the Democrats and try to teardown the status quo from the inside.
Basically try to get a bunch of supporters to infiltrate the Democratic party like how the magats took over the republican party.
Get your supporters to elect progressives into the democratic national committee. Hijack the party platform. Implement progressive agenda.
Good luck, it will go nowhere
Until the wonner-takes-all system is changed you will always only have Democrats and Republicans
Of course all that depends on if there will be a democracy left after 4 years…