username checks out 👍
You can just buy chicken and bread separately.
Implying that mc donalds nuggets are chicken. Also, I want my chicken to be drenched in ammonia thankyouverymuch
Of course they’re chicken. The garbage parts of the chicken is still chicken.
Right there in the picture, are you blind or what?
I can see this from the perspective of eating skin, then eating a nugget, then skin and so on. But peeling the nugget with your teeth while eating is like half the fun
You guys should be roommates at the clink.
Do you just bite into the nugget like some sort or thoughtless animal?!?
That person must be executed for such a heinous crime! Baby chicks and chickens died to be eaten with dignity!
What are those sauces? Mashed potatoes and gravy?
Looks like McD’s sweet & sour and honey (?) mustard.
Wasting food 101
Who said he throws it away?
True, he give it to the birbs, they working hard for the bourgeoisie
I did this as a kid. I ate both but I felt a need to separate the skin from the meat and eat it first. I also did it with KFC and the like. I’m a vegetarian now but I still get a small urge when I see a nicely coated drumstick.
Any chance you might be on the spectrum?
I used to do this for my cat. He had advanced kidney disease so whatever I could get him to eat was good. He really really liked chicken nuggets specifically, but was mildly allergic to the breading (would give him breakouts leading to scabby sores) so I’d remove it and give him the inside bits. I’d make nuggets for him at least once a week.
Cooked chicken breasts with a little bit of egg whites on a food processor or blender (use water if needed) will result in a paste that can be nugget-shaped and cooked.
Muuuuuch healthier for your cats, and for you too. For the cat, include some source of fat to make it more appealing.
He had advanced kidney disease when I started spoiling him, which inhibits eating. The healthiest food I could give him at that point was literally anything he’d eat, and there was just something about frozen white meat chicken nuggets from Costco that he just really liked.
He was on a very low phosphorus diet for years, and it was a constant struggle to get him to eat, even though I found a ton of things that were ok for him outside of the Rx diet food (which he refused to eat for every meal). My vet ended up asking me what I was feeding, because he wasn’t supposed to make it more than a year based on his kidney function labs, and he made it another 8, and was pretty healthy for most of it getting all the way up to a chubby 9 lbs at one point (small cat). He passed last July, and even my vet was sad to see him go (he was a charming lover boy who adored strangers of all species). It turns out, Rx kidney food for cats isn’t actually optimal because cats are obligate carnivores and need protein, but low protein is recommended for omnivores with kidney disease and that was just assumed to be true for cats as well, and the Rx foods are low phos and low protein, so cats waste away over time.
I don’t eat nuggets (or a lot of meat) normally, myself, and I usually don’t give my cats people food either, but I appreciate the suggestion all the same if I come across that need again :)
Cats and kidney disease is a combination that unfortunately is way too common. I’m happy to hear he had a loving caring owner and lived many years, sorry to hear about his passing but I’m sure he had a great life.
I like sharing this little nugget recipe around just because it’s very cheap, and healthy for children, pets and to be fair us adults too, I like nuggets haha.