Someone once said to me, "I have to go to the capital of the house, and please do not be wise for the vessel of the Beita. She said, “Wise, with a finger and a ram.” B’Tselem ‘L’ on her forehead.
Well, the years draw and don’t always stop
Full of rules and I’m on the road
There is no point in living without joy
Your intelligence is wise, but your head is weakened
There’s a lot to do, a lot to see
What’s wrong with taking the hidden alleys?
You won’t know if you won’t go
You will not shine if you do not shine
Oh now, you are a star god
Take the game, prepare a player
Oh now, you’re a rock star
Make a show, take a salary
Ok let’s do it for real then:
It do be like that, fellow star god.
If you end your lines with double space your new lines won’t be eaten.
Yeah I tried that but the separate quote blocks looked weird so I undid it
you gotta do like:
>big long quote
more quote down here
and it looks like:
Right in the feels. 😭
This is way better than the OP.