Good thing everybody’s respecting laws and treaties these days!
Good thing everybody’s respecting laws and treaties these days!
all blonde and a bit cute
🏆 Most Swede Comment Award
Can’t steal what’s already stolen.
Ironically, would that be a Happy Meal?
Trump and MAGA politics
Maybe the language we use to describe them is itself normalising and pacifying. Like calling a Nazi salute a “hand gesture.”
I would suggest “a criminal dictator and fascist politics” as a substitute in your sentence to provoke an acceptable, proportionate reaction.
Maybe the polling companies have realised that in the post-truth world, narrative is where the money’s at? If it works for Mainstreet and the Conservatives, who cares anymore? Find a base to play to, tell em what they want to hear, make that money.
If someone doesn’t even start a position, can we still measure their tenure in Mooches?
IBGYBG: Motto of the leadership of the Democratic Party
Guess you shoulda done something about that Joe. Like say, when you were president?
May it live forever even if they delete the toot: https://web.archive.org/web/20250115165213/https://mastodon.social/@protonprivacy/113833073219145503
Damn right, it’s better than yours
I can teach you, but I’ll have to charge
Career ending? Or career transitioning to an American company or political post?
Except this time, with memers, giffers and shit-posts!
I mean, without further context I assume Laura and Joe both organic and artists, so couldn’t the butt plugging be is less a manufacturing and more a per-hour rental-type business?
It do be like that, fellow star god.
In summary, we have an unsourced claim that bogus pirate IPTV portals, designed to deceive “ordinary people” (the term is used twice in the article), have been operated by law enforcement in Italy for the last year. The alleged purpose is to gather evidence in support of an administrative offense punishable by a 150 euro fine, if indeed any offenses were even committed by the hundreds of people reportedly identified.
Have you ever felt a pain so powerful
Don’t catch you slippin’ now
Ahh PBS, it’s been nice knowing you. You will be missed.
Not until we can blame it on a scapegoate group. E.g. “Spanish” flu.