All I hear about is “boomers” this, “Millennials” that, “Gen Z” that, etc.
Why no one talk about Gen X? What happened to them? They just vanished like in Infinity War? Or are we mistaken Gen Z by Boomers?
Gen X is a conspiracy. None of them actually exist.
My Canadian girlfriend (well, now wife) is from Gen X - I swear.
Does she exist? Is she real? Are you okay?
Ronald Reagan happened to GenX.
Worse than an H Bomb
Nah we are here, just staying out of the drama I guess. Busy working. My guess is we aren’t enough of a market - not the desirable-to-marketers 18-30 age group, and not a huge group with money like the boomers. So we are not targeted as much.
That sounds very plausible
We are just living our lives. We don’t care about you or your opinions so we usually dont speak to you. You want to waste your lives complaining and whining them good luck with that. No one cares.
There’s no need to be rude, fella. Hope life keeps treating you well though.
I’m not trying to be rude only honest. I hope everyone the best.
“The forgotten generation” strikes again!
Love y’all, but on bluesky gen X has been behaving like boomers more and more often. Maybe it has to do with hitting a certain age and becoming “get of my lawn”?
The last lawn generation
I’m gen X. I’m certainly at get off my lawn stage. Yet I have no lawn. Hmmmmmm
Gen X said “fuck it” quickly and lived relatively comfy, selfish lives from their boomer parents funding trips to Woodstock '99 - where they feigned a rebellion, but always with a credit card they didn’t pay for in their pockets and the rent paid.
They pretended to be above or “so over” politics, but in reality that was just a way to forgive themselves the burden of maintaining a decent society. So they willingly let the fire burn and grow out of control so that the millenials would have to deal with it.
After being hit with one life altering tragedy after the next during their prime earning years, many millenials realized they would need to be the sacrificial bridge generation. They resigned to delay or deny a lot of personal happiness/excitement so that they could do everything they could to oppose the second bush (who isn’t actually a nice, harmless man with candy) and get Obama elected.
As the millenials can’t argued homes or children of their own (part of that mentioned sacrifice) The X parents then have the kids that are gen Z later in life. Those Z kids weren’t given any civic direction, personal values or responsibility to community from their perpetually checked out and selfish X parents. So without any tools to smell building or any need to serve other humans, they then dropped the ball this election (he ball that the millenials were sacrificing their own fulfilling lives to be able to hand off to them).
Z was handed the blueprint on a silver platter, so they could literally fix shit by just showing up and acknowledging that nazis are both real and bad. There was actually a point where republicans wouldn’t have won another presidency around 2009, not without a trump emerging to lower the bar and suck the value out of words, concepts and laws. The Republicans are hungry scoundrels and religious zealots though, they wanted it more and were never slowed by legality or morality. So they got to work in earnest starting in 2010 (go watch a film called “slaying the dragon”) and here we are.
Edit: Ha! Scrolled down and saw someone posted a comic that says about exactly what I was expressing, except the Z kid would need to be falling on his face.
This is all beautifully stated.
Gen X is the end of SLC Punk. “I’m not selling out, I’m buying in.”
(the ball that the millennials were sacrificing their own fulfilling lives to be able to hand off to them)
OOF. Hits hard.
For those who don’t know, SLC Punk is a movie worth your time, especially at a certain time in life. The spirit is great, but… Stevo is an Xer who ultimately did go to Harvard and dad and mom are boomers (The boomers turned from hippies to yuppies in the 80s).
Generational Theory refers to them as a “Nomad” generation, analagous to the more literally named “Lost Generation” one sacculum prior.
Generational theory is not scientific, but the patterns it identifies are certainly interesting. It’s held up over the last 30 years, and seems to be continuing.
At least according to Wikipedia, Generation X is the generation referred to as “the forgotten generation”.
We took the brunt or everything the Boomers could throw at us. You’re welcome. Its your turn now, we’re tired.
What the hell are Boomers? Some kind of Dark souls boss? We are the Third generation they fuck up!
They got a college education for about $1000 in today money, bought property and homes for $20k today money, and are clinging to power rather than letting anyone younger have a seat at the table. They were born on third base and think they hit a triple. Every other generation is too “lazy” to do what they did, so it must be correct that they hold onto power because we’d just fuck it all up.
The world got handed to them in post-WWII USA while Europe and Asia were rebuilding and they fail to recognize that they were born into an unprecedented situation that is unlikely to repeat. That’s why they’re selfish assholes.
The younger people call them boomers. Hell, gen Z and gen alpha call millenials boomers. Everyone who is “old” is a boomer now.
The older people only seem to be talking about millenials and younger, usually in the form of rage bait internet articles.
The concept of generations is completely arbitrary. They used to be named after important changes in the age distribution of western populations, but after the boomers they just became “the next one” because nothing really happened. Older gen X behaves the same as younger boomers, and millenials range from “owns a house, has four kids, are starting to plan their retirement” to “just finished their education”, and I haven’t yet found a reason why gen alpha and gen z differ at all (at least the millenials could be tied to 9/11?).
Now, nobody worth our time will take any of it seriously.
Everyone who is “old” is a boomer now.
And “millennial” just means “child.” People born in 1990 have sneered the word at 12-year-olds with zero self-recognition.
A lot of gen x got theirs. College was paid for and was cheap, lots of opportunities while they were young, got a house, a family and are just living. They will get a far inheritance if their parents die on time, but they are also the first to see that huge nest egg disappear to the current healthcare system.
Their vote never counted.
They were the first to figure out their parents had it incredibly easy, although it took them a long time. Sometimes they didn’t see it until their own kids struggled with costs and employment.
A lot are conservative but probably because they have assets and don’t like social welfare taking from them, even though their parents set it up for them to lose.
They aren’t as tech savvy as millennials.
They aren’t as tech savvy as millennials.
We built the tech. I was there, three decades ago.
Some of the genx built it, but the rest of them were too old (too busy) to learn it. The kids learned it.
X86 was not built by genx if you want to get pedantic.
I was talking about the dot-com technology of 30 years ago, not the 8-bit microchip technology of ~50 years ago.
I bought a 386 motherboard that needed a patch. Not software, but by soldering a wire between two pads. You just basically figure it out and went from there with a soldering iron.
Build the computer from parts? Sure. Soldered it like it came as discrete components? Also sure.
Tech savvy is often in context of when you were learning in your teens to early twenties and then what of that skill set is still applicable today.
They aren’t as tech savvy as millennials.
I’m GenX. If you ask my group of friends “who here has built their own PC from components?” every hand is going to go up. Including the teacher, the administrator and the financier.
Ask a group of Millennials who knows what the command line is for and see what reaction you get.
GenX is the generation that does tech support for its parents and its children.
That’s simply selection bias.
Isn’t that just cos: a) you had to build your own PC back then, and b) you have way more time and resources to do so
Older millennials are firmly there with you in relation to tech.
Kind of… It’s really that weird bridge period between the two generations. 1980 seems to be the sweet spot. The further your birth year is from it, in either direction, the less tech savvy they seem to be.
Gen X here, can confirm that’s a pretty accurate take
I disagree that they aren’t as tech savvy as Millennials. I would say on average its younger GenX and older Millennials that have the highest tech skills, with GenX probably ahead. That’s referring to percentage, not total numbers.
“Xennials” probably have the most critical problem solving skills applicable to tech. But 80’s/90’s kids were dealing with really new or bad tech while 60’s/70’s kids were dealing with VCRs and ATMs.
Its pretty much Gen X who grew up programming their own games on Amigas on things like that, Milleniums grew up with iPads and game consoles.
When Gen X dies off I’d say the world’s going to have a lot less being fixed all round unless AI gets a lot better.
There’s quite a span between older and younger millennials. Older millennials were already in college by the time the iPad was released.
Yes, “xennials” probably have their own generation because of this, but I have met a lot more millennials that can manage UI changes over genx.
Switch a genx from windows to Mac and they are lost. Switch a millennial and they seem to be fine. I’ve seen this with phones, TVs, websites, etc.
Genx were young during “dumb” tech. VCR, digital phones, etc. millennials were learning the internet as it was moving from a hobby to its own platform, cellphones as they were first widely available then as they went “smart”, and a lot of other examples.
Don’t get me wrong, a lot of knowledge was lost along the way like manual categorical systems including tabulation machines, phone books, Thomas Guides, even cabinet filing systems/card catslogs. Genx handles these things a lot better than the more recent generations.
Switch a millennial to a CLI or ask them to understand underlying technologies or networking and watch the difference between them and xennials for example.
Digital native means they learned how to click next.
Younger millennial here, some of us grew up using Linux. There are literally dozens of us!
Wow, that a very insightful and concise description, really. Now I understand more. Thank you.
We all went for a bike-ride, and when we got home just played some Atari.
Still playing Atari…
Ngl That’s kinda Badass
X as a population is a birth low like the silent generation and since both are adjacent to the baby boom, which is one of the largest generations, their relative pull during their time is muted. basically the silent generation was sorta crowded out by the large incoming one and Xers were to small to effect the new crowd size much. Then also millenials are technically a boom but really just a drop in the bucket compared to the baby boom before. They are the little peak in the early 90’s in this graph where the orange is the boom . Combined with this is that X was known as the slackers and they were not big joiners. Don’t get me wrong im in the gen and I know plenty of folks that do things in their lives like reduce, reuse, recycle but not many part of an org or something around it (not all good things btw of course but im giving the perspective of my crowd). It still sorta cracks me up as I live near my high school and they put all the accomplishments along the fence and it starts in like the 60’s. Newer ones are in the school but as new ones come in the old ones are hung on the outside fence. Well there is this big gap in the 80’s. literally stuff into the late 70’s and then suddenly stuff from the early 90’s. No club or sport or anything got any significant win or award or whatevr in the 80’s.
We’re just chilling watching the show…
I sit at the tail end of it, or as I’ve seen it described ‘xenials’, wishing things would start to make sense again one day.
You realize that that comic is a pretty strong indictment of gen X though, yes?
It’s not noble or otherwise admirable to sit down and eat that popcorn.
Here’s the funny thing with that. We watched things like Bill Nye and Captain Planet as kids. We’ve been aware of the evidence of science and the needs to change our society since a very young age. For many years we where told ‘use plastic so they don’t cut down trees’ only to realize later that was wrong. All through it we where telling the parent and the grandparents that things needed to change and the future wasn’t looking great.
Not one fuck was given.
So when it came time to be the parents and the mundane middle life drones many simply said hold onto what scraps you can and hope for the future, but in the meantime I just want to sit down for a bit. It’s draining as hell to spend decades of your life being ignored, it’s not a wonder we get called the forgotten generation.
1977 here, we had to be raised by the boomers alone - with no Internet, mobile phones, and left outside all summer until it was dark (which wasn’t that bad mostly).
What we were sold on growing up and what actually happened when we became adults was very different.
Never upgraded; decided to stay Gen-Twitter.