There once was an explosion the size of Russia because the coal and oil underneath it got in contact with magma, killing 99.8% of all life on earth (before the dinosaurs) 🦕🦖- this process released more CO2 in the atmosphere than if we would burn all the fossil fuel today (I’ve forgotten by how much more)
Earth took its time, couple million years, but the carbon-silicate balance was restored.
Edit: Fun fact 2 - during this time there are records of winds >800 mph, acid rain and temperatures >180°F
Fun fact: There was not a single mass extinction because of the shift of the magnetic poles, all mass extinctions can be linked to the carbon-silicate balance.
Woah, never heard of this. Got a link or a technical term?
The naturally occuring nuclear reactor in Africa is really interesting as well. So is the coal fire in Australia that’s been going on for like a thousand years.
Should have called it “climate instability” or “climate chaos” from the start.
Climate Crisis is my preferred term. Gets the point across quite nicely.
It shouldn’t have been “save the planet”, it should have been “save the humans” because the planet will be here long after we’re gone
There once was an explosion the size of Russia because the coal and oil underneath it got in contact with magma, killing 99.8% of all life on earth (before the dinosaurs) 🦕🦖- this process released more CO2 in the atmosphere than if we would burn all the fossil fuel today (I’ve forgotten by how much more)
Earth took its time, couple million years, but the carbon-silicate balance was restored. Edit: Fun fact 2 - during this time there are records of winds >800 mph, acid rain and temperatures >180°F
Fun fact: There was not a single mass extinction because of the shift of the magnetic poles, all mass extinctions can be linked to the carbon-silicate balance.
Woah, never heard of this. Got a link or a technical term?
The naturally occuring nuclear reactor in Africa is really interesting as well. So is the coal fire in Australia that’s been going on for like a thousand years.
Naturally occuring nuclear reactor in Africa? Nature is fucking weird bro.
1.7 billion years ago, natural Oklo breeder reactor in Gabon.
That’s fucking amazing, Joe Scott should do a video on this.
Burning Mountain in Australia, 6000 year old coal seam fire.
It’s called the carbon silicate cycle–silicate_cycle
Edit: that giant explosuon's+most+severe+extinction+event.
“war on summer” might be the only one that works
You will pry my summers from my cold dead fingers.
Climate Change: “acceptable”