I’m in the process of getting rid of as much Google-related stuff as I can. Yesterday I already started with moving everything I had stored in Drive (backups and other stuff) to my Nextcloud and the like. Now I want to change my main email, the one I’m going to use for, my accounts here in the fediverse and so on. So I’m looking for alternatives.
At the moment, apart from Gmail, I also have an Outlook (from when it was hotmail), a Proton account (though in view of their CEO’s recent statements I may not keep it) and a new one on Disroot.
Which of the aforementioned services works best for a normie not well versed in cybersecurity like me?
Do you know of any alternatives I’m not aware of (I’ve heard of Tuta, but nothing else)?
Honestly, I was going to say Tuta, but seeing how proton changed, I would now add the option of self hosting.
I am unsure how difficult or easy it is, but it’s becoming a very viable option now.
What happened to proton?
The CEO supports fascist policy in the name of business
There’s been controversy over a founder’s public backing of the US Republican party.
@Potatisen @Fake4000 Their CEO being pro-Trump
Fair warning: it’s likely that your ISP will block attempts at self-hosting a mail server at home.
Any reasons why?
They don’t want their network blocks reputation lowered because some idiot is sending spam mail or has an open relay. Apparently some will allow it on request.
Personally my mail server is on a Hetzner VPS.
All the reasons. It’s a well known problem that it’s super hard to host email.