Not everyone thinks this, but I know an extreme right-winger who thinks this. He is also a conspiracy theorist who thinks non-white people are out to get white people so, yeah, odd.
Not every immigrant is illegal or bad. I know a girl who didn’t speak English for 3 years when her family legally immigrated, so of course she’s been told this.
It’s their fee fees, stoked by conservative media.
“Shouldn’t that logic apply to…”
One must remember that people aren’t logical. They’re hypocritical and willfully ignorant.
I think it’s as simple as this: people need an enemy, some person or group they feel is against them. Conservatives get off on having a victim complex, and will straight up make shit up against their opposition just to make themselves look like a helpless little child. “Oh no, what am I gonna do? Me or my granddaughter needs a job and I heard in the news they’re all being taken up by immigrants” meanwhile, the same person is being fed this information from the comfort of their couch.
“The immigrants are taking our jobs” is a sentiment that I have seen at least in my part of the country go down in the last several years and im in a very conservative area. Simple fact is immigrant workers work cheaper and faster than others and they often do better work, people are realizing that.
Because some people were never taught critical thinking skills
You assume logic is behind their reasoning, that’s where you went wrong
Yeah we better start coming up with some paperwork that our great great grandparents were legal. At this point I’d be pretty happy to be deported to Germany.
my great grandparents immigrated from Finland. can’t wait to go!
Oh if you aren’t brown you’re ok. White places like Germany are the immigrants that are ok. Haven’t you heard “If it’s brown flush it down. If it’s yellow let it mellow.”? A lot of people think that refers to bathroom business but really it’s gop immigration policy.
Because we have an idiot problem over here right now. The person you know is an idiot.
The White House made it so that all inmigrants are criminals by default because they entered the country illegally. Turning innocent until proven guilty on its head. Now everyone is guilty by association.
That’s just bad logic saying that all Americans all are immigrants. It implies that land is bound by blood and every modern immigrant everwhere would never be integrated into society, since they weren’t the original people there. Every society that has migrated would also receive this immigrant label, like the Hungarians and Bulgarians. There comes a point where the people who conquer lands become the people living there and not just immigrants.
These kinds of bad gotchas aren’t proving anything unless you seriously think they are only going for immigrants. They are racists. They use the term immigrant to refer to non-white people.
That’s i t.
That’s literally it.
- Not all US cirizens feel this way. Convict47 won by 1.5%, with 19 million less voters Thant the previous time. Voter suppression won this election.
- And for the ones that feel this way, you’ve got it absolutely right, plain old ignorant racism.
So people are programmed to be biased towards their own self interest, it’s not as malicious as it sounds, it’s unfortunately human nature.
So naturally they would think that the new world conquest was justified for whatever reason (maybe cause there was no flag?).
And conversely, naturally they would think of new people coming here as less justified, after all, we live in a modern world with borders now.
What I’ve learned from politics in the last few years, especially during the pandemic, is to never trust someone’s opinion when there is conflict of interest.
Short answer is “propaganda”. News agencies against immigration will pretty regularly swap between “illegal immigrants”, “immigrants”, and <insert current target race here> as if they’re practically interchangable to build whatever narrative they want, and also to slowly build an association between ‘people of <insert race>’, ‘being a drain on society’, and ‘being here illegally’ to get the average person to side with them.
the logic is that they think white people deserve the land more. Its plain old racism.
Because that would involve a level of logic and critical thinking well beyond them.
It is ethnic cleansing, pure and simple.