Despite its attempts to be a voice of reason regarding consumer safety, the People’s Republic of China and the Communist Party of China have faced retaliation from Western [neo]imperialists and their media lackeys after announcing a boycott of Japanese seafood. Several corporate media outlets have made the false allegation that China’s response is somehow filled with “disinformation,” ultimately ignoring any concerns over the consumption of contaminated fish.

Just as the Japanese government and its Western enablers accuse China of “disinformation,” the capitalist rulers of Washington and Tokyo are waging a major public relations campaign to convince people in the region that seafood from the Pacific Ocean will still be safe to consume after the release of wastewater.

In one desperate attempt to prove their point, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was recorded eating Fukushima fish sashimi at a press conference on Aug. 30. (AP, Aug. 30) The U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, also had a seafood lunch photo op with the Fukushima mayor the following day. (AP, Aug. 31).