The finger-pointing among Donald Trump’s inner circle has begun.

And as his four criminal cases march toward trials, some of his aides, allies and co-defendants are pointing at the former president.

In court documents and hearings, lawyers for people in Trump’s orbit — both high-level advisers and lesser known associates — are starting to reveal glimmers of a tried-and-true strategy in cases with many defendants: Portray yourself as a hapless pawn while piling blame on the apparent kingpin.

History has shown the 18 co-defendants that Donald doesn’t care about anyone but himself,” said Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, referring to the 18 people charged alongside Trump in the Georgia election racketeering case.

    1 year ago

    It’s how authoritarians operate in every realm. No matter how fair or objective or established the process is, they will insist on playing the victim, crying wolf, and framing as an attack on “all of us” everything that might infringe on their God-given right to do whatever they want to whoever they want. It’s a big part of the reason why you can’t give a mouse a cookie when it comes to Nazis.