Extraction shooter, but it’s getting extracted from the womb.
I don’t know how some people find the time to do anything but help take care of mom and the baby. I was either sleeping or helping while trying to find time for food.
I was sitting next to my wife for a few hours talking to her (we brought food and so on, so no need for me to go anywhere).
I mean, I would have had time to play games, but I doubt I’d still be married. Tbf, I never even thought about that possibility before seeing this post.
I could maybe understand it, if it was a problematic pregnancy. Like, the wife of a friend of mine had to lie in a hospital bed for several weeks before giving birth to reduce the risk of premature birth. You’ll want to spend as much time there as possible, but after sitting in a room together for weeks, this might start to sound like a good idea,
Everything you saw and thought, “I should help with that.”; they don’t.
Playing Tarkov on a screen that size might as well be impossible lol.
Imagine trying to spot killa power sliding across the halls of interchange in the dark fog from 150 meters out. Good fuckin luck lol.
I thought this was gonna be a joke about Windows on Steam Deck but holy fuck everyone needs to mind their own business.
No, it’s always important to call out abusive parental figures.
How is this abusive?
It’s not, it’s a shitpost
Is a little cringe though, but maybe Dad was expecting an extended stay
Oh I see what you mean now. I agree, call out abusive behavior but too many people seem to want to have an input on things that don’t concern them.
then go do it in the appropriate thread, not this one. its incredibly off topic
tHiS iSnT aN aPpRopRiATe cOmMenT fOr tHE shITpoSt coMmunity
I lOvE a G*mEr dAD sUPPorTiNg hIs wIfE nO cAp nO sUbTeXt iN tHiS pOsT
holy shit cope harder dude
What an odd way to spend ten months.
I think this is an offense worthy of capital punishment
You Monster. I thought the worst part was setting up a gaming set up while your wife was in labour was fucking stupid but WINDOWS?
Poor woman. Having a baby with some weirdo who installed windows on his steam deck, who brought his gaming setup when you’re in labor. Idiocracy was a prediction, not a comedy.
Why bring mouse+keyboard when the steamdeck has it’s own control and takes less space?
EFT has like 100 different keybinds for every type of movement and action. Not uncommon to have ctrl, alt, and shift all set as different modifiers for 5-10 keys.
Command wheels and mode shifts, my son. Those touchpads are extremely flexible, especially when combined with the back buttons.
You don’t really need when the controller has touchpads and gyro
Does gyro work with PC games? Only ever used them on mobile. Don’t think Xbox controllers have em either.
Some games support it, but the ones that don’t normally let you move the camera with a mouse while using a controller, for thoses games is really easy to set up the gyro as a mouse inside steam, just remember to set it to only activate when pressing a buttom, i normally use the same button as the scope. You can also set a button as a switch so you press once and the gyro kicks in, press again and it turns off
Bro. The gyro is ground breaking but anyone that tells anyone that they play fps with a controller have been smoking very bad meth and stay away for a while then ask how they are doing later
OMG I’ve been playing FPS with a controller since I was a baby.
It’S an FPs I HAve tO USe keYBOard aNd MoUSe othERwiSE I CaNt dO iT!!
Her * smocking crack cocaine*: This wouldn’t affect my baby.
The baby:
I think someone can tolerate joysticks when in a hospital room.
EFT players can’t.
I mean it was probably consensual so the only person I feel bad about is the kid.
Block out your annoying wife’s contractions with these Audiophile Headphones™.
Not to rain on the anti windows parade, but he has to install windows to play Tarkov. You cant play it on linux due to anticheat.
Isn’t it also… Ridden with filthy cheaters? Lol
It’s almost as if kernel level anti cheat is no match for heuristics and more secure game code.
I see this as an absolute win for Linux
Can’t run it on linux? Can’t run it at all.
I think you can play PvE Tarkov because the raids run on your machine (except for Streets). But if you’re already willing play PvE you might as well play SPtarkov which does work on Linux and has a modding scene that offers a significantly better PvE experience.
EDIT: just a PSA that Tarkov uses Battleye, which supports Proton. Just like with almost every other game the only reason you can’t play Tarkov on Linux is because the developer doesn’t want to you to do that.
Because there aren’t 100000000000000 other, much better games to play out there. Nope. Tarkov is the only game ever created that is any good. So good that people are willing to allow rootkit anti-cheat garbageware to be installed on their system to play this holy, godly, superhyper great game.
Let people like things
Although I understand this on a factual level, I still question the set of priorities that leads someone to install an operating system in order to run a single game.
Also, his wife must’ve been enthused to see he brought all his “performance upgrades.”
I imagine they’re dual booting.
if they already have a copy of the OS anyways, I totally get it. If you have the resources to play the game you wanna play, any would you intentionally deprive yourself of that?
But yeah, bringing all that to the hospital is fuckin nuts. God I hope that his wife is a huge nerd too and that this was like a joke between them and he didn’t actually use it during active labor or after the baby was born.
I like how everyone is giving shit to the dude for “not being there for his wife,” because I remember the OG post from Reddit where OP and his wife were explaining that it was cool, she said it was okay and even encouraged it, and was unconscious most of the time during recovery anyway.
I don’t even think the windows on steam deck part is even from the OG, but maybe I just missed that in the comments.
People don’t realize how much downtime there actually is even in a normal pregnancy. Baby and mama get sleepy. But in something like an emergency C section scenario, especially if the baby is early you could be looking at a half week recovery period for mom and the baby gets locked up in NICU jail for a week… Where you only get visiting hours for your own kid.
For me it’s the bit about bringing almost a whole desk setup instead of using the portable as a portable
Yeah seriously use a gaming laptop at that point. The point of the Steam Deck is that it’s compact and quick to put away
You shouldn’t just be there because the woman is important to you, but above all the child. From that point on, it shows that he’s not in the mood and is more focused on his hobbies. So he can’t separate himself from his shitty technology at such important events and maybe just read a book or something…
I feel bad for the kids future
Bruh newborns sleep a lot.
So do women recovering from childbirth.
Most of what they’re doing is sleeping.
For multiple days, you’re kind of just at the hospital to be support when needed. There’s not a lot to do if you don’t bring it with you.
One thing is clear about a lot of guys here, and that’s that they don’t have children and are almost certainly single.
Yeah at the very least you need a book cause shit gets boring and you’re luck if you have a tv in the room
Windows on steam deck
Explains the behavior lmao
Windows on steam deck Is blasphemy
Who the hell puts Windows on a Steam Deck? What a loser
Oh and he’s not being present with his wife
Lol Windows.
Hoping he means just for the labour, not the whole 9 months