Tbf this applies to all anime and also other animation series. What is realistic about spongebob? It’s imagination, it doesn’t have to follow the rules of our world.
So you masterbate to SpongeBob?
So you don’t?
I just dress up my sponge like a normal person
I masturbate to Gary.
SpongeBob nopants*
their idea was, in fact, better.
That book should be labeled ‘Where the vagina is located.’
ironically Yaoi is the worst offender when it comes to “that’s not how any of this works”
The Wikipedia article on the yaoi hole is uhhh interesting.
Well that led me into a rabbit hole… i now know what an omegaverse is and wish to unsee
This whole article is great.
The sheer, astounding realization that there has been enough yaoi to have ages is flabbergasting.
what did you expect from fujos?
Even bigger hands and smaller heads?
I’ve seen some belly button located dongs also.
Having penetrative sex with a woman’s ear is the latest weirdness I’ve seen
Gross, tell me where do I don’t accidently go there.
And they’re (mostly) right.
If I wanted to be constrained by flesh and bone then I’d be looking at 3D porn.
Anyone notice the inside of vaginas look weird
Why do hentai artists draw the inside like the inside of a sea anenome that clownfish live in
Not just the inside, most of the time the outside is just a slot with no other parts or detail whatsoever.
That’s partially because of their censorship laws forbid showing the clitoris and other anatomy.
Because not many of us know exactly how it looks like and it might not look very good / be easy to draw
Why not look up the footage of Medical cameras that can go inside there online
Because that’s how their onahole is shaped.
Going to japan and seeing those in shops was wild.
I’ve heard that they only have escalators that go up, so you need to traverse the entire section to go down.
Only in a few places, but yeah, that’s a thing. Though there are also stairs.
Also source for the original image: Machikado Mazoku
Hentai Artists, AO3 writers, Omegaverse… oh Omegaverse.
For me the weirdest part is how they think ovaries work. It doesn’t matter what size or shape your dick is, you will NEVER shoot your load directly into the ovaries. The opening is measured in mm.
Amateur hentai artist here (link here, also I can send you uncensored ones if interesed), and here’s my 2 cents on the subject:
It’s art, so it doesn’t have to follow reality. In fact, if I wanted reality, I could just watch camgirls. Why do I have to draw girls with normal genitalia, why cannot I draw them with extra-large penises for no good reason other than my fetishes, or cloacas if they’re bird VTubers and I found the idea of it entertaining? Do I have to draw them performing large insertions only within what realistically possible? Or anything realistic for that matter. Should I also draw them with upmost hyperrealism instead of anime style?
Yes, some idiots can’t distinguish between fiction and reality, but many more are just using it as an excuse for their reckless and/or criminal behavior, or even to spread real pedophilia (I had to deal with these fuckers in the anime community, and unfortunately thanks to 4chan and its users’ “free speech absolutism”, they were more tolerated for a while), but I’m not going to moderate myself for some dumb individuals not wanting to follow common sense, the consent of real people, etc.; or for people who try to police the community because “cultivation theory”, which is nowadays also being more and more used against the LGBTQ+ community.