The Democratic National Committee and two other party committees have sued Trump over Executive Order 14215, which claims authority to seize control of the Federal Elections Commission.
The lawsuit argues this violates federal law and threatens free elections.
The order also claims power over other agencies including the SEC, FTC, and NLRB.
Democrats contend this executive overreach contradicts constitutional principles and a century of Supreme Court precedent upholding Congress’s authority to insulate certain agencies from presidential control.
How many years did I have to put up with hearing about checks and balances, because that was a damn lie.
Right? All you needed was one bully and his friends who don’t care about rules to simply do what they want and fuck everything up.
All systems of government are like that. I’m not saying ours is perfect. It is far from it. However, all forms of government rely on specific people following a set of rules that a (usually) different group of people came up with. Once enough people ignore the rules there’s no way to fix the problem by attempting to enforce the rules that aren’t being followed. That’s what we’re seeing now.
True, although the number of people that you need to break the rules before the system of government falls apart varies from system to system. In this case my impression is that the US requires relatively few people (once in power) to make those kinds of decisions.
Just stuff the Supreme Court judges with your allies and you’re pretty much set.
I just don’t understand how everyone else is just complying with Doge blindly instead of just saying no. That’s what baffles me the most.
Well, you see, they’re in on it.
I don’t know man… I feel like there should be more resistance.
There should be, but we just spent the last 50 years going down corruption lane. We should have burned down Citizens United when they first tried to buy an election. We should have instated anti corruption laws to keep corporations and political action committees out. Its too late now. There is going to be strife, and more if the people dont pull those two monstrosities out of office.
Well and like 200 cucks in the Senate and house to not bother checking you.
“And his friends” is the crucial part here. The reason this didn’t happen in his first term was a massive amount of institutional pushback. GOP spent the intervening time clearing out those pesky roadblocks, and figured out where they wanted Trump aimed.
Turns out when about 70% of everything is just tradition without any laws to prevent people from breaking the assumed laws in place, it’s all been a sham and anyone could have broken them for bettering the country instead of tearing it apart.
Common law like in the USA has inherent weaknesses.
A) He’s following China’s playbook. B) there is shit in the Project 2025 document that outlines this sorta play, here is a link to the summary.
If we get to the point where, “For the safety of America, we won’t have an other election until the Democrats are stopped!”, I won’t be surprised. The GOP Does not plan on turning over control now that they have it.
2026 will be a repeat of 2024. All the dirty tricks will be pulled to ensure they face no consequences.
Worse in my opinion. They can openly manipulate the media and funding easier. The shots at the presses freedoms are going unchecked. If you make money off media/journalism and the offices are allowed to simply tell media outlets they can’t attend anymore they are going to fall in line or lose their income and die. Shit even that dumb Epstein document thing was clearly a shot at freedom of the press. They knew most of it was already given to the public previously, yet wanted to control how the media reacted to Trump being tied to it. So they specifically launched it via channels they knew would defend Trump no matter what.
Will, I don’t think anybody needs such drama, just that election will elect whom they need with 146% certainty. That’s a reference to the last Putin’s re-election.
By the way, Putin’s re-elections have been proven mathematically to be falsifications through and through, say, Russian Central Election Committee obfuscated their “public” (scraping-protected webpages, say, dynamically shuffled fonts, with lines and lines of text) data, it was still deobfuscated, where they managed to hide moments of actually throwing in extra ballots, doing carusels or whatever, it was still mathematically proven that those dynamics do not belong to a normal election. But all those other violations were detected on scale in all recent elections in Russia.
And nothing. Public outrage is not as powerful as mechanisms that react to it, if there’s no such - then no cinema.
I think in US Trump is doing this the simple way, while in the EU both elections matter less and bureaucracies are already strong, but too regulated, so they want more surveillance and communications’ regulation - to be able to prevent those trying to use accountability mechanisms and organize from being heard, maybe even silently detaining\murdering such people, special services are always prepared for that kind of activity, and if there are no safe communications, a group of nations with institutions can turn into something as miserable as Russia very quickly, silently and conclusively.
It’s a world tendency, I think. Even China before the last 10 years or so was, apparently (never been in China), a non-democratic state with some rule of law. Turkey was on the rise after a couple of decades of normal democracy after its last military dictatorship. In Iran people like Ahmadinejad were in visible posts and it seemed to be almost becoming democratic.
In Russia in my childhood everyone around me just believed we’re past dictatorships and Putin will leave when his term ends.
So - I think we live in an interesting time where the humanity once again learns the meanings of “common sense”, “natural law” and “human dignity”. And why sovcits are the wisest of political marginals.
It’ll be nice to see SCOTUS rule against elections and then we can stop the charade.
The founding fathers never intended that general public would participate in presidential elections. Done. No more elections.
Skip the popular vote and have the (unelected) electoral college decide the winner
There’s times when it feels like we’re already doing that
Why so quick? I thought they would give him a few more terms before stepping in and trying literally anything…
They were going to send a strongly worded letter.
Reminder to all that despite its name the FEC does not control elections. Elections are controlled by the states.
The FEC enforces campaign spending laws, but as we’ve all seen even lawbreakers can be elected president.
How long is it going to take Bernie, AOC et all to walk out of the Democratic Party and start their own?
That’s the only solution. Hopefully some moderate Republicans do the same (create their own party), and finally America will have a democracy…
IMHO we won’t have one until we adopt a European style election where we have more than 2 viable parties and the electoral college is abolished.
Yeah, even Trump took over a party and molded it to him rather than created a new one. It’s not possible in a FPTP system to have more than two viable parties.
Look at Canada, that’s the only reason Conservatives have had any control or power. We have one right wing party(Conservatives), and 3 on the left(liberals, new democrats and green party).
It’s usually pretty close to a 35/65 split between right and left, but right wins half the time because of how fractured the left is… (currently there is a right fascist surge in Canada , just like the rest of the world, with Elons funding and Russia’s electronic warfare )
It’s a garbage system the last government promised to reform and didn’t, which hurts them long term.
*We also have a wild card party(BQ) that just represents one province Quebecs interest’s , which should be banned from federal politics, they will swap sides just to get the best deal for those specifically in their province and that goes against the spirit of the federal politics for a United nation *
I think economic reforms have to be also given the Constitution treatment. A lot of this bullshit came about because wealthy people couldn’t help but engage in Gluttony, regardless of the true cost and consequences. Elon simply wasn’t satisfied with his ‘meagre’ level of wealth, and is arranging to murder the poor for the sake of running up a high score.
We need the wealthy, as we know them, to simply cease to exist, while giving UBI to everyone so that even the poorest can skip work to engage in politics. Too much or too little money is dangerous, because it rigs society to favor the very few.
Without economic changes, this crap will simply happen again.
You had me until you said “moderate republicans”.
That’s just a standard Democrat like Pelosi.
You got to have a place where the people who want to get off the bat shit crazy fascist bandwagon can jump to…
Yeah, that’s… The Democrats. In particular the leaders of the DNC.
They’re just standard liberal oligarchs instead of full on fascists
Bernie has never been a Democrat, except when he ran for president.
How long is it going to take Bernie, AOC et all to walk out of the Democratic Party and start their own?
Hopefully less than 2 years.
They should have protected democracy when they had a majority. Protecting the filibuster was more important.
The filibuster that they aren’t using against trump’s agenda.
What’s there to filibuster? No legislation has been made.
Wait… you mean to tell me that all of this was done without congress?
I thought the president needed congressional approval if he wanted to take a shit. Or was that just Biden?
Filibuster only works against certain legislative pushes… usually only stuff that needs 60 votes (instead of a simple majority) in the Senate.
So it was just biden.
Well, Senators Manchin and Sinema made sure nothing got done through then… which, when you realize Biden was in charge of the DNC during his administration… it’s a whole “they didn’t whip their legislators well enough” situation. Democrats are nearly world renowned for failing at that.
I really like the filibuster as a system, but only when its real, as in the senators have to talk the whole time. It makes it so they’re actually demonstrating their passion about a cause.
At least they’re trying something finally. Better than sitting on their hands and complaining in private talks about now progressives want our representatives to do something .
Agreed. I was wondering when we were going to see some action.
That’s not going to work.
What he’s REALLY BEEN doing is changing the power balance, which used to be Legislative, Executive, and Judicial with Judicial having final say in most things by ruling on their constitutionality, and elevating the Executive branch. He will ignore judicial rulings as they “don’t apply” to his office.
That’s not going to work either. It’s a bad idea to openly defy judges, because they can easily drain your bank account.
You’ll note that even now, Trump lawyers claim they are doing their best to comply with court orders.
Assuming the rule of law is respected
Judges can drain bank accounts of those who don’t respect rule of law. That’s kind of the point of draining their bank account.
Does the judge have a computer with a button on it that says drain? What’s the process, and can that process be disrupted?
I’m being quite serious.
I answered this elsewhere, but the upshot is that banks treat court orders like checks drawn from your account. Once they are signed, there isn’t any good way to stop the funds from being withdrawn.
I keep hearing arguments like this, and I’d love to be reassured by them, but they come after watching Trump receive 34 felony convictions with no actual punishment for those convictions, after which he was elected President of the United States of America. It also comes after watching a 4 year long failure to attach (or even try to attach) any consequences to him for Jan 06.
So, you’ll forgive me if I’ll wait until I hear about bank accounts being drained and that it has any measurable impact on the rate of progress at before I lull myself back into to believing Trump is in any way not untouchable.
There are a lot of things the system can do to stop something like this. So far it’s not doing very many of them.
but they come after watching Trump receive 34 felony convictions with no actual punishment for those convictions
Yeah, well, blame the courts for sentencing him to “Never mind, we cool bro.”
any consequences to him for Jan 06.
That gets tricky. The core argument would be that Trump’s speech before the attack is firmly within his 1A rights (and it almost certainly is, 1A speech rights are extremely broad and anything short of a direct call to immediate lawless action is usually protected) and that his not doing anything to stop it once it started is him doing a shit job, but not technically illegal (but hypothetically impeachable, if both houses would agree to it which was never going to happen).
You’d have to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that he planned for J6 to happen the way it did in a fashion that is definitely not attached to his duties as president in any even vaguely reasonable way to have anything to hang on him at all without an impeachment. Something like hard evidence of him coordinating specifically the attack on the capitol (as opposed to the rally or march to the capitol steps) with the people entering the capitol or their leadership and not merely an otherwise legal protest/rally. Which is a high bar to reach.
I don’t mean this to sound argumentative, but every time I make a statement like you replied to I feel like no one gets what I’m saying.
I understand there are reasons things take awhile. I understand our justice system is supposed to be set up that the state needs to make a solid case.
I also understand that Trump has managed to fall through every loophole in every layer of our justice system so far, and avoided any consequences that would cause him actual financial hardship, any sort of punishment whatsoever for his 34 felonies, and any kind of consequences for Jan 06.
So, NOW, when he’s at the height of his power, I take no comfort from how our justice system can or should or might work. I will take comfort when I see it actually doing something to meaningfully impede Donald Trump and Elon Musk, which so far I have not seen.
He also received an $83 million judgment, which he already paid. And a $400 million fine, which he will pay.
Also, keep in mind that Trump cannot act alone. Even if he could shrug off a million dollar fine, his employees cannot. And judges will target his employees, until nobody is willing to break the law for him.
And judges will target his employees, until nobody is willing to break the law for him.
And when they do, I’ll applaud for them as loudly as anyone else.
Until then, as they say, it’s vaporware.
There is no need for judges to target anyone yet, because the Trump admin hasn’t been found in contempt.
I don’t think Trump is going to lose any sleep over his employees getting millions of dollars in fines or jail time. He can just preemptively pardon them no questions asked if he could be bothered to remember they exist. Also nearly 50% of voting aged adults actually support Trump ignoring the courts so I don’t think there’s much anyone can do.
Trump can’t pardon employees who are found in contempt of court. Trump might not lose sleep, but the employees will. Most employees, even Trump supporters, won’t take an assignment that will lead to losing their life savings.
Ok now the judge is in jail for treason or has all their personal assets liquidated into the Sovereign Wealth fund. What next? A new judge is hand picked and installed, is he going to put his neck out like the last guy?
Jails are administered by judges. Put a judge in jail illegally, and another judge will immediately release them.
Ok, the judge gets swept up in a military tribunal or they just say anyone collaborating with this judge is also guilty of treason. This is all putting aside brownshirts straight up burning down their house and the FBI regrettably failing to catch the culprits.
You can’t arrest someone for treason without a warrant. And warrants are signed by judges.
The rest of your hypothetical describes kidnapping and arson. Kidnapping and arson are state crimes even if the perp is a federal employee. The brownshirts would be arrested by state/local police (who vastly outnumber federal agents btw) and tried in state courts.
How did it work out of Andrew "the courts have made decision " Jackson?
Jackson probably never said that.
In any case, he wasn’t defying the court. He was passing the buck.
This case was between Samuel Worcester and the state of Georgia, and the SCOTUS ordered the state of Georgia to release Worcester. Jackson was not involved and didn’t want to be involved (hence the snarky “let THEM enforce it”, ie “keep me out of this”).
However, the SCOTUS never asked for Jackson’s help and ultimately didn’t need it.
Yeah I was reading up on it recently and it’s surprising that there were people tiptoeing around the Supreme courts decision, but at the end everyone did actually cave and either followed the ruling or it became a non issue.
Who is the THEY doing the draining? Could they be fired? Could a Trump loyalist be placed there instead?
Not legally you say? What if someone didn’t care about doing it legally? What if they just fired the person and replaced them. How about that.
THEY is the judge.
Suppose you sued Bob, and Bob was dumb enough to openly defy the judge. The judge could write a court order that says “Bob owes Melatonin $1000” or “Bob owes the court $1000”.
For all practical purposes, that order works the same as a check signed by Bob. If it’s written to you, then you and your lawyer can take it to the bank. The bank teller will give you $1000 and deduct $1000 from Bob’s account. It doesn’t matter what Bob says or what Bob’s employees say. The bank teller doesn’t work for Bob.
The same is true if “Bob” is a DoJ lawyer or even the DoJ itself.
I would like to see how this works if the check is drawn off the president of the United States. I daresay, it’s going to be different, at least with this president.
The US has checking accounts just like everyone else. That’s how they write paychecks.
And if a bank can draw from the US account when presented with a federal employee’s paycheck, it can do the same when presented with a court order.
Because the Supreme Court of The United States of America said as much. The courts basically signed all their real power away in Trump v. America. What I’m sure will eventually be called the Trump Doctrine if the president does it, than it is not illegal. Trump can legally take control over the election process because he’s taking it as the president. So regardless of any other law whatever he does it legal.
While trump v America had the wrong ruling, the conclusion your sharing isn’t correct.
The ruling shielded the president from personal liability for actions taken as president. It didn’t touch the offices ability to be sued or be legally restrained.
If trump, in his capacity as president, violates the law “the president” can be sued and forced to stop, but not trump personally. You can’t send him to jail for improperly claiming authority over the FEC, but you can prevent the office of the president from doing so.
A law suit! Excellent. Finally we will have this over with post haste.
Just in time! /s
Hey, someone had to close that barn door. If we ever get another horse, it might leave too.
Trump’s order feels like Watergate déjà vu—election rules must remain bipartisan and independent. Minus one for focusing solely on one perspective.
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I didn’t even hear of this executive order. That just lays it out clearly all the steps he’s taking to seize power in the US undemocratically.