I find it interesting when people like you chime in without realizing the history behind the word “commie”. Good for you. Ignorance is key to remaining under a dictator.
The shortened pejorative form of the word communist, born out of the red scare and McCarthyism? I’m familiar with the history of the term. I’m also familiar with the history of the word communist. And if you were as familiar with the history as you were pretending to be, you’d know that there’s such a thing as anti-authoritarian communists such as anarchists, syndicalists, communalists, Marxist autonomists, and council communists. Ignorance is key to maintaining your libshit binary thinking
Putin is a hard line communist. Do you know what that means? And I’m not talking about the socioeconomic philosophy of communism, I’m referring to the oppressive totalitarian “commies” who slaughtered millions of Russians and set up the entire “black market” economy (now called “oligarchs”).
Fucking nazis and commies at the top of our government. What the actual fuck.
Could you please name one of these “commies”?
Don’t loop us into that nonsense. It’s 1000000% fascists at the top. The closest you’re getting to a communist in the federal government is Bernie
I find it interesting when people like you chime in without realizing the history behind the word “commie”. Good for you. Ignorance is key to remaining under a dictator.
The shortened pejorative form of the word communist, born out of the red scare and McCarthyism? I’m familiar with the history of the term. I’m also familiar with the history of the word communist. And if you were as familiar with the history as you were pretending to be, you’d know that there’s such a thing as anti-authoritarian communists such as anarchists, syndicalists, communalists, Marxist autonomists, and council communists. Ignorance is key to maintaining your libshit binary thinking
What commies? This makes no sense?!
Putin is a hard line communist. Do you know what that means? And I’m not talking about the socioeconomic philosophy of communism, I’m referring to the oppressive totalitarian “commies” who slaughtered millions of Russians and set up the entire “black market” economy (now called “oligarchs”).
History is important in understanding context.
I think it was a Freudian slip