The peace in peaceful is not of the “peace and war” kind. It’s of the “peace and quiet” kind.
Important distinction.
They’ve also been banning accounts for liking comments about Green Mario doing nothing wrong. It’s about the closest thing to thought crime I’ve ever seen. (PS Green Mario did nothing wrong)
(PS Green Mario did nothing wrong)
He killed a guy. So he did.
He killed a corpo. So he did nothing wrong.
Fuck the opinions around here are unhinged.
Why did you want that person killed?
Because he was a murderer and he would kill again if he was allowed to live.
So you agree killing is bad?
The framing for this is that murder is bad; however there are exceptions to that. One such exception is that self defense of oneself or self defense of another provides a (morally and legally) justified basis for murder. If someone is trying to murder you or someone else, and you murder that person to prevent this, then you have engaged in self defense, which is justified.
The argument is that there is insufficent evidence to demonstrate that Luigi was the person who committed the murder at issue. However, even if it can be proved that Luigi did in fact commit this murder, the argument is that it was justified as an act of self defense to protect himself/others from being killed by the decedent’s actions. This requires viewing violence as something that is structural and systemic, and not just direct and immediately physical. Under the former approach, Luigi engaged in self defense; under the latter, he did not.
The American legal system generally only recognizes the latter as a valid legal defense. But this is irrelevant to the moral question of whether it was justified; and, even to the legal question, we can ask why our system does not recognize structural violence as criminal violence. The answer to that lies in who writes the laws, or, rather, who pays for the laws to be written. All nations have a ruling class who are the principal beneficiaries of the legal system; the US is no different
See my problem with this argument, is if you’re all so determined for Luigi to have a fair trial to defend the position of self defence, shouldn’t that CEO have had a fair trial rather than be extra judicially killed too?
Is it bad to kill a mass murderer? I say it’s not.
Google “Paradox of tolerance”.
I don’t mean this as an attack at all, but isn’t calling Luigi “Green Mario” a way to comply with the wired reddit cencorship?
We are on Lemmy, you can speak freely here.
Or did something just go over my head?
Maybe people were actually saying “Green Mario” and not Luigi.
I made a comment self censored to “Mario bros” on reddit. Got a permanent ban. They’re going scorched earth on anything moderately inflammatory
They might as well just shut down r/Nintendo then.
Whether or not they were being ironic, we HAVE to stop capitulating to corporations deciding how we speak and what we can and can’t talk about. They successfully turned our own social messaging into a justification to block out conversations about issues that are actually affecting us.
(No, to the chud about to cry about being censored for spreading misinformation about vaccines, that doesn’t go against corporate incentives, that goes against reason and knowledge, there’s a difference and if you can’t tell, you will when you get older.)
Or, if I might add, in case of anti-vaxxers, IF you get older ;-)
Also innocent until proven guilty, a lot of people seem to forget that one.
It’s actually pretty likely he’s not the guy. While they have a picture of him from a nearby hostel, the picture from cctv at the scene doesn’t match quite so well.
Im agree, but my gripes stem from the timing of how and when they picked him up. Rolling a nat 1 on disquise in a golden arches hundreds of miles away with all the evidence makes me think one of two things. 1) he isnt the guy, the NYPD needed their pound of flesh and just made it all up or 2) they are sure its him, but are unwilling to explain to the press how they know because big brother shit.
In addition, with the mayor not shutting up about the investigation, that perp walk, and the media shrieking “oh no, he’s hot”, the is no way he is getting an unbiased jury in NYC. (I expect it to be the opposite, but thats the ACAB talking)
Agreed, you can refer to him by name here lol. Or Saint Luigi if you prefer ;)
He absolutely did something wrong, he got caught.
And I felt his manifesto was not very well written.
The quote is not wrong, however, Elon is neither harmless nor peaceful. He’s dangerous and a violent fascist
Ofc it’s wrong. You can be peaceful and harmless.
Musk is a moron.
Edit: The more I think about it, the wrong-er/stupider it gets.
Also Elon, " Mom, Mark is being mean to me again." It’s ok lil Elon, she says. You are funnier and more handsome.
It’s only ok when a rich Republican does it, not a Democrat.
I was permabanned for “Making threats of violence” when I suggested a hypothetical scenario when people were talking about US/Russia/Ukraine affairs, that if a US President suddenly not only betrayed a friendly victim of an invasion and switched to giving direct aid to the aggressor when public opinon of that aggressor is in the toilet, that the US may end up with a dead president. (and this was pre-election)
I dont care that it happened anymore, because judging from the way things have gone, if that didnt get me banned, something else would have.
Reddit is captured, and even if it wasnt, the only thing its good for is the comedy/hobby sections.
everything else is just dumpster fires like the news and politics communities, or the freakshows you see in relationship advice, AmItheAsshole, AmIOverreacting, etc. and all the bad advice that gets given to them as well…
Lol a friend of mine got banned for posting a picture of a guillotine and referencing billionaires. The broligarchy has gone full gloves off wrt threats to their hegemony
After 12 years, and nearly a million karma, i was permabanned right after HitlerPig was inaugurated, for repeating an opinion that i have stated many times. Nobody ever said a word until HitlerPig was in office, then suddenly I was permabanned. I came over to Lemmy, only to find i wasn’t alone.
I suspect the reason is because Ohanion wamts to buy TikTok, and he knows that HitlerPig will be making the decision personally, based on who smooches his ass, follows his orders, and pays the biggest bribe. So as a show of good faith, he abandons Reddit’s doctrine of Free Speech.
This feeds into the right-wing fantasy that they’re super tough warriors. You see a lot of literature and fictional TV aimed in this direction.
It’s kind of like the white savior complex but instead of saving some victimized minority, they’re saving weaker and more helpless individuals in their own society. But all the military hero returns home and confronts nasty biker gang or evil drug dealers and kicks their ass without when trying. It all reinforced their world view.
God, what an insufferable Nazi cunt.
Says the pussy who backed down from Zuckerberg cuz his mom told him to
It’s good to be the king.
He doesn’t have to be the one actually inflicting the violence on others, but with his power and influence he is capable of great violence by making others carry it out in his name.
Fucking billionaires… :/
Apart from all the other bullshit rightfully called out below, this makes an illogical implication. Being the smart autistic superbrain Melon claims to be, it’s surprising he doesn’t see that. Or maybe not, because in reality he’s just a sad ass who is too scared of just going to therapy.
If: Not being capable of violence => Not being able to call yourself peaceful
Then: Being able to call yourself peaceful => Being capable of violence
But not: Being capable of violence => Being able to call yourself peaceful
My 10 year old account without previous infractions was banned for saying the rich don’t have the resources to protect themselves in the event of a revolution lol
Elon Musk
's assetsshould be liquidatedFixed that for you
In a solution of 1/3 35% hydrogen peroxide and 2/3 98% sulfuric acid.
Why the addition of Hydrogen peroxide?
It turns it into Caro’s acid/pirhana solution. Incredibly corrosive and it will break down all dna into nothing.
Ah yeah sounds particularly nasty!
Look it up on YouTube. Compare it to regular sulfuric acid and you’ll see just how much faster it dissolves things. Even teeth which are difficult to dissolved will readily dissolve in caro’s acid.
Well they do have a point. Having strength isn’t the same thing as using it. Most have the ability to beat another human to a pulp but instead use their words and other forms of conflict resolution. So to extend that logic one isn’t peaceful if one doesn’t have the power not to be; that is one isn’t restraining themselves from being violent and exercising benevolence and patience but rather being forced to be tolerant of others bullshit because they can’t do anything about it. It’s like is your chastity being tested more in a monestary or a whorehouse?
That’s how they get you, with a nugget of truth that in your context is reasonable and in theirs is explicitly unreasonable. The idea that one can’t choose peace if they have no choice is an old one and philosophers have been thinking about it for ages. There’s nothing wrong with the idea. What’s wrong is that in the context of the alt right they imagine themselves as John Rambo and use nonsense like this as wank material when they’re advocating for (or doing) violence. It’s a story they tell to infantilize and invalidate the left. If we’re all babies who couldn’t even choose violence if we wanted then they should make decisions for us, right? Including the decision to kill us.
Funny thing is that the left got most of the rights and protections that people of every stripe benefit from through outright violence. Strikes and protests and all that are the compromise, remember.
elon musk got a subreddit banned, because of “percieved threats”