Bahnd Rollard

  • 0 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • Bahnd Rollard@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlts moment
    2 months ago

    There is a difference between having it turn on and hardening it against DDOS attacks while haveing 500 nerds try to use it as coms for massive videogame fights (this has happened, its against the games rules, but it has happened). If you can do that in a day, please empart your wisdom.

  • Bahnd Rollard@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlts moment
    2 months ago

    I still self host my TS3 for my nerd herd, and as an EvE online player (currently trying to win, but thats hard), you have to be fluent in all voip solutions as they all have different requirments and say a lot about your group.

    Discord - small group, utilizing free services, may have an auth tool, used to keep in contact with people from old groups. Remember kids, if the product is free, you are the product

    TS3 - mid-sized group (100-1000 players) requires a real IT team, will have an authentication system and generally will have their shit together. Ease of set up is handy, but admin user accounts can break servers.

    Mumble - Welcome to the big leagues. (1K+ players) The resources you require now require resources in meat-space and are rather substantial. You need real IT security and people on a payroll. It will drive your admins nuts for about a week setting everything up, but once its done, you wont have to touch it again.

    Ventrilo - old school WoW player…

  • First, attacking the person, not the proposition. I feel like I hit a nerve, so that started off well.

    Next paragraph, I don’t know who to thank for that, chatGPT Wikipedia. The location in the documents is not the issue at hand, other than "well actually"ing someone on the internet.

    But that last line… And the part I take issue with.

    How many 2A supporters can say with a straight face that a flintlock musket and modern weapon are even remotely comparable. The intent of these modern tools is to commit harm to your fellow man, which they do with much more efficiency than they did in the past. If the founders had the ability to see into the future, I’m confident they would have phrased the 2A differently.

    Furthermore, if fear of a tyrannical government is your excuse to not take a moment of reflection on our relationship to the 2A, then you must be naive as you think I am… Revolution or whatever you want to call it does not work that way anymore. The last 60ish years of asymmetric conflict the US has been involved in should be a good enough example of that. (Best get used to dystopias, your in one)

    Lastly, the part that is most frustrating is that this is a partially solved problem in countries that took action like Switzerland and Australia (that took very different paths to get to where they are today, but I want to focus on Aus). In 1996, Australia, in the wake of the worst mass shooting in their countries history, they collectively decided that the number of arms in the country was too damn high and did something about it. [Ref]

    All that I propose is a good faith attempt at serious federal regulation with a focus on their current need as tools, ethics and actual results/consequences. Unfortunately, as long as the NRA exists, America will collectively sit on its hands and this all comes off as wishful thinking.

  • The check list of shit to-do to colonize something not on earth is pretty long. We still have to

    -Find a more reliable way to get to space than sitting on an explosion.

    -Figure out how to make faster ships so we get someplace cool in a reasonable amount of time. (Generstion ships are hard)

    -Figure out the life support requirements for long term voyages.

    -Figure out how to produce all required items on said colony (Looking at you STCs from 40k)

    -Figure out how to come back to earth without packing twice as much fuel. (Or not, hopefully we don’t fuck things here up that baddly)

    Finally, there is a time limit to get this shit done. Either climate change or kessler syndrome will punch our ticket and there will be no humans outside of our unfashionably small blue-green mud ball.

    I applaud the optimism, I cant say that I have the same.

  • American FP4 user here.

    You may actually be fine, check the 5G bands in use with your national regulatory body and see if there are any missing parts. State side, T-mobile is the only carrier I can use and their 5G bands are missing pieces of what the phone thinks are avalable channels. It corrects them quickly enough for buffered data to have no issues but it drops calls randomly when switching towers… also T-mobiles network is sorta sucky…

    If your country uses GSM, order an EU phone, slap in a sim card on a network that accepts unlocked devices and you should be good to go. If you are on CDMA, wait till Q1 2024 and order one from the states. There are plans to include a custom security and privacy focused android ROM with it, but im happy with my organic euro phone dispite its quirks.