or ADH-Wheee! if you really want to put a positive spin on it.

  • Here’s an expert talking about outcomes https://youtube.com/watch?v=26V6LCbKXJU&si=Mu1mO845lvJYCgH8

    Tldw: worse outcomes in education, relationships, careers, automobile safety, finance. So all you have to do is not be in school, drive, be in a relationship (romantic or not), have a career, have credit, etc. Your suggestion that it’s just the environment and all we have to do is change how finance, the job market, education, and human relationships work and get fully self driving cars right now is not only woefully uninformed but also such a massive undertaking to the point of being a joke.

    • Izzy@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I suggested no such thing. You are coming to wild conclusions on your own. Please read it again more carefully. I have in no way suggested that it is possible to change the environment.