That’s a pro-cryptocurrency source. Scanning down the page, the first result from a source I recognize is an article called “Bitcoin Is A Cryptocurrency, But Is It Money?” from Forbes. It doesn’t directly answer the question my search term asked, but it does say “Economists say that money performs three functions. … Does Bitcoin do any or all these things? In brief, no.”
Cryptocurrencies are definitely not great currencies but they are definitely already used as currency by many people.
Three seconds of googling (well, I used DuckDuckGo, but anyway) suggests otherwise.
Can you show me what says that?
That’s a pro-cryptocurrency source. Scanning down the page, the first result from a source I recognize is an article called “Bitcoin Is A Cryptocurrency, But Is It Money?” from Forbes. It doesn’t directly answer the question my search term asked, but it does say “Economists say that money performs three functions. … Does Bitcoin do any or all these things? In brief, no.”
Somebody’s opinion. Nice