• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • First off, MS Gothic is a monospace font. (Meaning all characters have the same width and move the cursor by the same horizontal distance. Ok, that’s a slight oversimplification. Especially when you’re dealing with asian characters, there’s a possibility of “double-width” characters which are twice the width of “single-width” characters and move the cursor twice as far.) In sites like Lemmy, there are usually ways to tell Lemmy to switch into “monospace” like you did with the first cat art you posted in the body of your post. And that ensures consistency in the output. With non-monospace fonts, it’s more of a crapshoot. Arial’s “m” might be a different width than Comic Sans’, for instance. Typically, sites like Lemmy (or 4chan or Reddit or Facebook or whathaveyou) won’t have ways to specify a particular font (different Lemmy clients are also free to use different fonts), so if you composed ASCII art with a non-monospace font and pasted it into a Lemmy post/comment, even if it looks right to you in Lemmy, it may not look right to other viewers of your post. And that’s why monospace is popular for these things.

    How to make these? I honestly don’t know if there are specialized tools for that. Probably just a standard text editor. The examples you posted have some asian characters in them, so a way to input such characters. I’m on a Linux machine and have fcitx set up for Japanese text input. If you’re on another OS, I’d expect the way to set up input for asian characters would be different. Alternatively, there are probably unicode character explorers/apps that can be used and don’t require quite the learning curve.

    As for how to manage these, no idea. I can think roughly about how I might go about writing a program that migth manage these, but I’m not sure if any exist out there currently.

  • I once had an interesting conversation with a nurse at my GP’s office. I was scheduling an appointment with my GP. The nurse asked what I wanted to see him about. I mentioned light headedness, dizziness, globus, chest pain, palpi-

    She stopped me at “chest pain” and said “I’m going to write down chest pressure, because otherwise, they’ll send you to the ER.”

    At the time, I was scheduled for all the heart tests you can think of and a few neurological tests and had been having chest pain daily for months during which I’d had plenty of heart tests already. And the nurse was familiar with my case. Had she not been, she definitely would have just sent me to the ER.

    She made the right call. All the heart and brain tests came back fine. Nobody ever saw fit to give me a diagnosis beyond “your nervous system is too sensitive.” (I asked if he was talking about “dysautonomia” and he agreed to that. Not a “diagnosis” per se, but better than nothing.)

  • Honestly, this isn’t much of a hypothetical for me. At work, my choices are Windows, Mac, or Ubuntu. I’m quite happy with Ubuntu, though I’ve switched away from the default desktop environment to i3.

    I use Arch (BTW) on my personal systems. And Ubuntu isn’t as bad as I worried it would be.

    My main gripe is snaps. Firefox is practically unusable as a snap. And my employer forbids installing any software (save for a select list of exceptions) not via the officially-supported Ubuntu way of doing things. Chrome is available without snap, so I use it on my work machine. Which annoys me, but if I’m less efficient in my job as a result, it’s their own fault.

  • Honestly, “browser engine” and “lightweight” currently don’t belong in the same sentence. Unless you’re going for something with very little functionality compared to Webkit or Gecko or whatever. We can hope that changes with time, but I don’t think there are a lot of prospects.

    As far as “little functionality” options, there’s the Dillo browser. I’m not sure its engine is really easily “seperable”, so to do so might be some work. It’s surprisingly maintained. Its latest release is from 3 months ago. It’s definitely extremely lightweight. (Unless you’re comparing it against, say, elinks or something.)

    As for somewhat promising projects that are not yet anywhere near ready for prime time, there’s the Ladybird browser. Again, I don’t know how seperable the engine is. And I don’t know how lightweight this one is either.