
Source: https://t.me/pravdaGerashchenko_en/29009

Russian propagandist Solovyov:

“We will not stop at Kyiv, Warsaw, Paris. We will stop when we feel secure.”

What is security for Russia? The destruction of NATO?

Russia has been living in “counteraction and struggle” with external “bad enemies” for a very long time. This is how the Russian government consolidates society and explains all the problems to it.

Therefore Solovyov is right - they will not stop.

  • ChicoSuave@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Russians can’t trust. They grow up in a culture where corruption is common and lies more prevalent than reality. The only way a Russian can ever trust a thing is to do it themselves. The only other option is to remove anyone else who can do it better and then claim the advance as a Russian victory.

    Russia can’t be trusted by anyone anymore. Russians will be out for themselves, as they always are.