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  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Ever notice how other vehicles don’t usually do that, even when they can? It’s possible to do in a wagon too, but that’s uncommon to see. You should look at the physics sometime.

    If your bed is empty, your vehicle will have less weight. Larger vehicles need that extra weight for traction, as their centre of gravity is higher. Smaller vehicles will have a lower centre of gravity, so they usually won’t need that extra weight.

    I’ve never seen that aspect described as a “pro” before. In the past, I’ve mainly only heard pick up drivers complaining about it being a pain in the arse to do.

    Edit: I think this might have been a joke lol. It’s too early. I’ll leave this up anyways

  • If they want more people to switch to EVs specifically, they absolutely need to try to make some changes if they can.

    Chargers: In a world where many people are living in old apartment buildings and condos, people are going to need public chargers. I don’t just mean enough for 20 people. If we want a big societal switch, we need to be able to assure people that they won’t encounter what happened in Texas recently. 60 chargers is still pretty rough if your city has half a million people in it.

    Cost: MANY people can only afford used vehicles. This is not only because of the up-front cost. Parts for repairs can become a massive factor when deciding what type of car to buy. Even if you can get a used car for 6K, you might not go for it if you know that certain important repairs will cost you up to 20K.

    Design: There are concerns for a lot of people with things being too screen-based. Some people like knobs that you can change without having to look away from the road. How many functions will be stuck behind a subscription? Will an update brick your car? Is it ok to tow normally, or will it sometimes require a special flatbed that most people can’t afford? Do we have the battery fire thing under full control yet?

    If every single car eventually becomes too expensive, driving will either become a “caste” thing, or people will put things together at home that might be even worse for the environment. Shoddy DIY repairs can also count for this.

  • Where I’m from, they’re also open to expecting mothers.

    They are also people who shouldn’t have to walk super far, especially later on in their pregnancy. It would really suck know for people to get upset at them just because they don’t have kids with them, even though they might literally physically struggle walking. I hope that’s not the case here lol

  • It’s good for that person that they aren’t feeling the loneliness mentioned in the article, yes. The poster IS feeling that loneliness, though.

    Was it necessary for that person to say that in response to someone who is saying that they are having those bad thoughts and feelings? Probably not. Are they a bad person? Probably not.

    “I feel horribly lonely” “I don’t feel lonely. In fact, I loved the aspects of life that caused you to feel this way”

    (The above might be how it comes off to some people.)

    I mean, it’s good for everyone who doesn’t feel lonely, but that person feeling good still doesn’t really help people like the poster who do feel lonely.

    I don’t think the commenter is wrong necessarily, but it should almost be expected to get less than happy responses from the OP, especially with the context.

  • Up to this point, the winters where I live have definitely been getting warmer.

    When I was a kid, it wasn’t uncommon to have stretches of -30°c, and we used to hit or almost hit -40°c once or twice per winter. It seems like that dropped. Now, the stretches are around -20°c and we hit the -30°c once or twice per year. Instead of snow, we’ve been getting lots of freezing rain.

    It used be be rare to hit 30°c in the summer, but we’ve been getting many more days that hit around 40°c. Last summer was brutal, and I hadn’t seen smog from wildfires up until then. It was practically unheard of where I live.

    Just wait for another handful of years. The weather is already becoming increasingly more difficult to predict.

    I saw a forecast earlier where the weather person was saying that either the models are broken, or that certain parts of North America will hit historically cold temperatures. If it was accurate, parts of California might drop down to almost -40°c.

    People need to learn that climate change isn’t only extra heat in the summertime. It’s a very complex system with lots of variables. I wish more people actually took the time to learn a bit about it. Freaky shit.

  • This might only be me, but when I’m constipated, my go to is hydration and lettuce.

    I’ll get myself a nice big salad, and eat it super fast. The idea is that if you eat it fast, you won’t chew as much. The partially unchewed lettuce can help irritate your guts into doing a bit of a clean cycle. (Plus, veggies are already great for constipation.)

    Best of luck, and wishing a healthy one for you soon haha.

  • No kidding. Just earlier today, I was looking for a kind of niche tool used to wrap pallets in plastic, and I found nothing on google about it. It kept showing me everything BUT what I was looking for.

    On bing, I found just about all of the information I needed about it. Turns out it’s niche partially because it’s made in my province, which I also found out from bing. Almost no one knows what I’m referring to when I mention it. It combines the technology of machine wrapping and hand wrapping, and it makes warehousing much easier sometimes. I wanted to recommend it to someone. Thanks Bing!