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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Buddy, you and I have clearly had wildly different experiences with lawyers, technical nuance, and toeing the line of legal ethics.

    1, they don’t need a legally valid justification for the lawsuit they haven’t filed because they’re still at a stage way before that: scary threatening letter.

    2, the gap between “I don’t like that people track my plane” and you stating that it’s “very likely” she personally approved the letter is pretty hilarious, and again anyone in her entourage could be the driving force behind this, and the LLC “nuance” still doesn’t matter since this isn’t a legal filing, its a bully letter.

    3, “misrepresent facts” can be interpreted in many ways. This is a letter sent to a guy trying to scare him off, there aren’t as many protections as you think on “misrepresenting facts” in a letter versus an actual legal filing. As pointed out in the article they accuse him of the nebulous violating of state laws while notably not saying which ones, believe me if they knew specific laws to list they would love to, makes the letter look MUCH scarier.

    4, “no lawyer… is going to bold face lie in a demand letter” well that’s just horseshit man, not to beat a dead horse but its a LETTER, not a legal filing.

    5, in conclusion, you should check the batteries in your “Jump to Conclusions” mat.