• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I never said they should, i said thats a whole other mannermatter. I actually think forcing a lock down in order to prevent them from hurting themselves is the right decision. Its not about trusting adults to know better, there are people in prision who’ve been there for decades and are probably not privy to the type of random knowledge people are more accustomed too now adays. And i dont think they would listen if the warden or someone just let them know if they stared at up the sun it could damage their eyes.

    I also dont know how bad it truely is for your eyes, i learned about the danger when the last major eclipse happened years ago, but before then i was unaware. Inmates depend on tax payer money to provide health care and i dont think taking needless risks is something they should be doing.

    Best case scenario though, if an organization were to donate the darkening glasses where they can safely enjoy it that would benefit everyone.

  • But theres also the probelm with not getting to the point. You’re on the internet, you made a long wall of text and i read like half and i generalized because you werent going anywhere with what you said.

    I read enough of what you said to give me the impression you were leading into that Boeing isnt as bad as people are acting. I disagree, we arent shitting on them enough.

    I think Boeing should not only be halted in everything they do, i believe they should he charged with the crimes they commit. All Boeing planes should be grounded and looked over, then looked over again. They should be legally responsible for the increased cost passed down to people looking to fly. And they should have an extra layer of scrutiny for all future developments