
Reddit was awesome. It’s sad what became of it. Jumped ships that took me to Lemmy-kbin Land!

I love games, gamification and chat roleplaying, socializing with people, volunteering, different lists and difficult topics!

  • 10 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • A fine question!

    The easiest answer is effect of the hobby towards other aspects of life. If one’s relationships with people suffer, or school or work, because one rather sits in front of one’s gaming device, then there’s a chance that one has a gaming disorder. Also, continuously postponing things that need to be done in real life and rather play games can be a sign.

    Things that can lead to adding gaming hours:

    • having most friendships in multiplayer games
    • feeling that one’s not good enough in the real world compared to skills and activities related in video games
    • getting praise for what one does in games but receives no positive feedback in real life
    • having the urge to flee from real world through escapism (problems with parents, bullying, traumas and other life difficulties)


    Some people don’t even get joy from games anymore, and they still continue the activity. Some get to the point of experiencing suicidal thoughts. Then there’s the thing of social exclusion - you simply drift away from the society and lock yourself up at home.

    EDIT: It doesn’t mean that one has problems if one is having a blast with games for one or two weeks. After a half a year and neglecting other parts of life however…

  • I’d say if you cannot find content that interests you, go ahead and create content what you’d like to see here!

    I feel like I have created more posts here under one month than ever at Reddit. I’m still a bit sad about the fact that there’s much potentiality to some communities here in Fediverse that seem dead, so I try to kick them around a little with my own posts and see, do they start running also without me a bit later.

    I don’t have that much to post about but I try to come up with stuff once in a while! (I still wonder, is it OK to grab material from Reddit and copy-paste it in here. I asked about it in here but I didn’t get any replies.)

  • Damaskox@lemmy.worldOPtoboardgames@feddit.deTalisman
    8 months ago

    Wouldn’t have tried the game all by myself at least! Friends introduced it and it was cool that way.

    I don’t think I mind dying in the game but it can become a problem if someone takes your items from where you died while you roll for a new character…your chances become much smaller to go back fast to the end-game.

  • Damaskox@lemmy.worldOPtoboardgames@feddit.deTalisman
    8 months ago

    Haha no worries!
    My friends say the same and it’s fine. I don’t have much of an opinion of my own about it but it’s better than no game I think 😄

    And, well, it has other digital opportunities as well, such as in Tabletop Simulator.

  • Damaskox@lemmy.worldOPtoboardgames@feddit.deTalisman
    8 months ago

    Does the randomness come from the cards? Could you somehow pull cards from a certain pool to take away some extra randomness?

    Also - the game length can be manipulated. Having a maximum turns or giving extra stats/items in the beginning etc. Creativism and experimentation can make the game more fun 😄

  • I love to create content (comments, posts) that are both thought-provoking of more serious topics, and content for amusement as well. While agreeing on the rules, I want to go and be me (delving bravely in controversial topics as well since I enjoy them too), without trying in purpose to generate only stuff that I know is already-agreeable to folks for gaining only Internet points.

    I know that karma is a double-edged sword - it can give a boost to someone who wants to create good content, making more of it while feeling appreciated…and the same thing for someone who just goes “full s***posting”. Don’t get me wrong - both have their time and place to be important, but…

    …I admit I find myself thinking and wishing for a karma system, repeatedly. I have already counted some of the votes I’ve gotten from my top comments and posts (yes, negatives calculated too!) once. But if the deal just is that there won’t be a karma system because it would create more harm than good, I’ll accept it, continue dreaming and trying to make more content. And calculating my gains once in a while to get any idea of where I’m at 😂 (could be cool if there was an Online tool that did the calculating by entering my username!)