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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • Inukami!

    It’s constantly lewd, silly, and is simultaneously an example of a harem anime and making fun of perverts. The series has moments that will make you cry from laughing so hard, and times when you get a little emotional, and then you’ll go “fuck yeah” as something cool happens. It sort of has the premise of ‘taming’ spirits and using them to battle bad spirits, but most of the time they end up fighting the over-aggressive nerd who gets a nosebleed around a girl.

  • Skating’s rad. Longboarding is sweet. Rollerblading is tiiiiight, yo.

    Just get the protectors and you’ll be fine. Elbows, knees, helmet, wrist guard, and (depending on your age, if you’re older than 12 you’ll want) ankle reinforcement. If you really want to go all out, hip, back, and tailbone pads are cheap and still not constricting. Are you going to look goofy? Sure. Is everybody else just as goofy? They’re wearing clothes, aren’t they? Of course they’re goofy. Just make sure the helmet covers the parts of the head that are going to get hit, not just the top.