• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • It is definitely tough to shed that sense. Growing up knowing I was “weird” and therefore bad (no, it was just undiagnosed autism, but I was an adult before I knew that and that element of myself had long since been solidified) meant that if I wanted people to like me then I had to give more than they did in order to just break even, which is exhausting and unfair, especially since I have a tendency to read neutral expressions as negative ones.

    One thing that has helped me is the realization that that happy feeling I get when someone came to me for help and I helped them? Goes both ways for good people. And it sucks for them, too, if you’re suffering and they could help but you were afraid to ask. Having standards is both a defense of yourself and a means of determining which people should stay prominent in your life.

  • It’s the lack of awareness that gets me. You’re operating a 2+ ton vehicle at speeds significantly faster than humans can reach by themselves, amongst a group of other people doing the same, and you figure it’s okay to be unpredictable?

    Unfortunately that’s not something you can really test for, that blasé attitude towards interacting with traffic, since most early drivers are going to be on their best behavior, and this is developed after years of getting away with it (or NOT but somehow still doing it?).

  • Yeah I feel you on this one. It’s like my first reaction is to raise my hackles, not just because “CHANGE???” but also that a new idea means I Fucked Up by not considering all options or foreseeing it.

    Which is silly and unfair of me. I make errors all the time, and I can’t possibly foresee everything, and when I offer up ideas it’s because I see a problem and want to fix it so things get better.; I’m not thinking about shoving someone’s nose in their failure to be omniscient so why should I be so concerned they’re doing the same?

    One thing that helps is the knowledge that we don’t stop thinking about something when we stop consciously thinking about it, so my slow embrace of an idea after hours or days makes sense; my mind kept it on the stovetop, just on the back burner. It’s not fickleness, it’s consideration, and the knowledge that I do that can help give me the confidence to say, in the moment, “I’ll get back to you on that”.

  • Oh this is very familiar.

    I think this is an aspect of AD(H)D; you know you have something to say, but you’re not sure you can hold onto it AND what the other person is saying at the same time.

    In my case, a lot of the time I just don’t process conversation at the same speed that other people do. I like text for a reason: I can marshal my thoughts, edit comments, and see what I’m responding to instead of relying on my memory which is…poor.

    At the same time, there’s the notion that different communicative means produces different communication styles. A phone call is not a face to face talk is not an email is not a letter is not a DM, so each should differ according to the medium. Deep, insightful comments might lend more towards written conversations, partly because they’re hard to say in the moment and because they’re hard to react to.

  • Logically, if he treats the sex worker right, with no demanding, no (non negotiated/sane) violence, and his actions don’t extend into monogamous relationships, and his views on future sexual partners are neither transactional nor cruel, it should be fine.

    Emotionally would likely be a different story for the partner, or at least for me. Partly due to the stigma attached to sex work, and partly due to feelings of inadequacy or worry about needing to perform unwanted acts, and partly due to a suspicion that that really would affect his views, because people’s thoughts and feelings are messy, sprawling things that don’t fit into the mental cabinets we stuff them into. But if the partner couldn’t get over that, then they’re not for him.

    And yes, this applies to women who pay for sex workers, too. Or at least it damn well should.