Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Or, from a different perspective, too many.

    Not a single death on either side of the Ukraine war, has been necessary. They’ve only been unavoidable due to the murderous delusions of a single damaged man.

    The whole thing is a pointless waste of human life and earthly resources.

    And while there’s an argument to be made that some of casualties of the war are deserved… A war where the fates of figters are determined by little more than random chance, isn’t justice.

  • No it isn’t. I’ve played the first game thrice, the second twice, and genuinely adore both for a variety of reasons.

    Forbidden West is literally the only game I’ve bothered taking a week off work to play on launch, and then did it again on PC to play the DLC.

    There is nothing about Horizon which makes it’s popularity unwarranted. The fans are real and there’s tons of us.

    I’ll admit the idea of a live action adaptation felt stupid, but after my parents got to experience the story of the The Last Of Us through the actually well executed adaptation, I was cautiosly ready to wait and see if they might not pull of a decent adaptation of Zero Dawn for them to watch, too.

    Hearing of its cancellation is no great loss though.

  • Not gonna happen. Not really.

    So far research suggests the guardrail and hallucination problems are unsolvable, and we are seeing diminishing returns from increasing the complexity of these systems.

    Hence devs will never have the necessary control required to author an actual narrative. NPCs will end up talking about mechanics that don’t exist, or saying things that contradict an overrall narrative.

    Even with actual people, if you just throw them in a room and have the improv a world into existence, it never ends up quite as good as a properly authored narrative.

    And LLMs are nowhere near achieving the level of internal consistency required for something like the worlds of Elden Ring or Mass Effect.

    Baldur’s Gate 3 contains truly staggering amounts of writing, multiple times that of classical literary works. The hallucination problem means that if all that were AI generated, small parts of it might pass inspection, but trying to immerse yourself in it as a fictional world would have you noticing immersion breaking continuity errors left and right.

  • Studio Orange doing Stampede and Land of the Lustrous is a pretty nice showing of the fact that 3D work is just as valid an artform as traditional animation.

    The cost of production on this one will be massive if done right using 100% traditional animation. Studio Oranges style isn’t right for the series, but CG is a tool that can be massively more efficient for certain things, and in the hands of competent animators, you might not even notice it was used.

    You’ll be hard pressed to find new anime series that don’t mix it in for certain scenes in order to bring productions costs down, and studios are increasingly figuring out how to do this really well. (Chainsaw Man is a recent great example)

    What you mean to say is “I hope they do it right”. The same way you notice bad CG, you’ll notice bad 2D animation.

    A more efficient production, means more money to put towards those small moments that only work in 2d, but otherwise would have gotten simplified down to way too few frames to cut cost.

  • Itellä ollut jo pitkään tapana sanoa myyjille suoraan, että kunnon alennus sit päälle tai vaihdan moille/prepaidiin.

    Hinnasta saa aina pois oikein kunnolla kunhan kysyy ja heti näyttää että tietää näistä myyntikikoista. Ei pitäisi tarvita mutta niin se on.

    Elisa yritti vielä rumempaa kikkaa, soittivat ilmoittamaan että nopeampaa kotinettiä saa nyt samaan hintaan viihdepaketilla. Elisa viihde ei kiinnosta pätkääkään, joten kysyin saanko paremman hinnan ja netin vieläkin edullisemmin ilman pakettidiiliä.

    Ei, kuulemma.

    Valhe. Heti kun itse menin katsomaan päivitetyt hinnat, perusnettikin oli nopeampi ja halvempi kuin ennen. Mutta puhelimessa teeskenneltiin ettei moista uudistusta ole, joten ellen olisi käynyt katsomassa, olisi vanha kalliimpi jäänyt käyttöön.