It doesn’t in the actual square though as all the lights and people make it warmer.
It doesn’t in the actual square though as all the lights and people make it warmer.
He’s old. He probably can’t handle 12F for very long without looking and sounding really bad. Fascism can’t work if people see the leader as a doddering old man
I never played Genshin but I did check out ZZZ for a minute. The gacha element was just too intense and it reminded me of games from 15+ years ago that used similar mechanics.
You really have trouble understanding things if that’s your take away from my comment. I never concluded that you are poor or stupid but Im leaning towards you not being a strong reader based on the skills you demonstrated today.
Dumb isn’t ableist really. It used to refer to mute people but it hasn’t been used for that purpose in decades. Nice try at another bullshit claim. You like those don’t you?
You misunderstood the first scene completely to the point where I wonder if your sensitivity to this bit is because of your own perspective on where you sit intellectually or financially. You can decide on your own how much of that is the result of your educational choices.
hero shooter with uninspiring designs that cost money whereas the top offerings in this category are all free.
There’s a live service DOA? /s
Bubsy 5D you said?
You know how you can choose to pay attention in class and do the work and ask for help when needed? If you don’t do any if that you’ll end up dumb and that is a result if your choices
Race isn’t the result of choices but being less educated certainly is to some degree a function of choice. Your suggestion of replacing a trait that involves choices with one that is not chosen at any level is a false equivalence.
Anyone who thinks violence never changes anything has never opened a history text.
No, the scene is about how the wealthy people wait for the best financial opportunity to afford their kid the best while the dumb people just have kids. The wealthy folks wait too long and have no kids.
DRG doesn’t make me feel like they are taking advantage of me with their transactions because they aren’t required. It’s nice that way.
A lot, he has a background in construction. He’s racist but not that specific kind of racist.
Have you raised any daughters?
US health insurers literally offer zero social benefit. They should not exist as the entire industry in harmful rent seeking.
The best way to achieve this is to entirely dismantle the US health insurance industry.
Yes, because the early USA did not resemble an modern oligarchy but rather a plutocracy which despite its problems still has greater room for a merit based system than a modern oligarchy provides. We are intentionally concentrating a tremendous amount of wealth in the hands of very few people.
Systemic racism has existed as long as concepts of race exist. No one needed to create an intentional system that favors the dominant ethnicity.
Scientific racism was created in France to justify the enslavement of African Christians as normally it is illegal in canon law to enslave another Christian. The UK and other Northern European nations embraced these concepts and built upon them.
He’s really old and in bad shape. He probably can’t handle a temperature of 12f for very long.