• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you noob? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my chess club, and I’ve been involved in numerous speed tournaments on lichess, and I have over 300 confirmed check mates. I am trained in white and black, and I’m the top puzzle solver in my freshman class. You are nothing to me but just another check mate. I will windmill you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this chess meet up, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of grandmaster over the former USSR and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your Elo. You’re fucking lost, kid. My queen can be all over the board at anytime, and I can check mate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my pawn. Not only am I extensively trained in check mate puzzles, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my side of the chess board and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass-pieces off the face of the board, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and your king and you will drown in it. You fucking lost, kiddo

  • This still doesn’t really grapple with what I feel Coates et al are really saying. What I believe they are saying is “What is causing all the crime and poverty and sucidide?”

    And the accepted answer is that its not usually a racist white person, in a hood, muttering the N word as they pull the trigger. It’s systemic, it’s economic, it’s passive racism.

    Just because Coates didn’t quote some absolutely horrific data about black youth suicide doesn’t mean he’s a moron who doesn’t realize it’s black people killing themselves. It means the author here missed the entire point. Of course the kid with no food in the fridge at home will be more likely to kill himself than the kid who does. Of course the family whose dad was sent to prison for drug possession will have less food/resources than the family whose dad was not sent to prison for his drug possession.

    Its a straw man. And it is stupid. Of course I might turn to crime/suicide if I have no other options and of course I might have no other options if me and my family have been completely ignored by a society set up to serve mostly white or otherwise already rich people.

    Have you ever read about redlining? Or the civil rights movement? Or any study or other evidence in the past fifty years that racism didn’t just end at the end of the Civil War? Have we no clue how our economic system is set up to choose winners and losers?

  • For some reason, I click it, and Google translated it for me?


    me and my team (we are atm 3: me and 2 school colleagues) started a pretty big project last week. I know it sounds crazy, but we are working on a successor to WoW. Please don’t say we can’t do it anyway, because we are very ambitious and are very experienced WoW players. I’m posting here to find more people for our team. We have a modeler (me), a musician (for the background music and sound effects) and a community manager. We are still looking for a programmer to bring the whole thing to life. If you would like to apply, please post what experience you have so far with game programming and what programming languages ​​you know (we want to write the game in Java because we already learned a bit of Java at school last year).

    Our goals/motivation: Wow is now a few years old and Blizzard doesn’t seem to be thinking about a successor. Instead, they create one extension at a time. The graphics are quite old and WoW2 is supposed to look much better (my models are almost photorealistic). The quests should be more exciting (don’t always kill XY, get XY). >There will be epic battles with up to 500vs500 fighters. We have invented two new classes: Necromancer and Hobblings. But I don’t want to tell you everything here and save it for later. I will send a project plan to anyone who is interested. ^We can’t pay for the work, but when we publish it, for example, we share the subscription fees we get ($10 per player).

    Greetings. Wow2

  • It’s almost like porn has been available, to varying degrees, to youth, for decades if not centuries. Even discounting all the good arguments like “small government” and “think of the kids is a dumb excuse to curtail privacy”… You have to ask, what’s the goal?

    Keeping kids away from porn? Why is that an important goal for the government? Is it one the government is even capable of doing? At what age is porn OK? 16? 18? 21? Never? Did you ever look at porn when you were in high school? Do you regret it?

    Is there any real research that porn is corrosive to a 16 year old? I mean we can’t even pass simple, popular gun legislation because the NRA swears up and down we don’t know “for sure” if it will save more than a couple lives. We can’t even have an EPA that enforces laws, while millions of people suffer from asthma and other stuff that kills them.