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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Great username. On this event where “everything is suspiciously right” and you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop is a form of anxiety.

    As it happens in the world that affects the mind, if you’re up does not mean someone somewhere else is down because is not a zero sum event, we can be up, and down at the same time for different reasons. This reminds me of the tale of two cities where 'it was the best of times it was the worst of times" sets the dichotomy of our existence.

  • Nah I left when crime escalated to the point where it was a common occurance to get kidnapped and get a ride to multiple ATMs to get your wages directly stolen without recourse. Instead of increase the rule of law the country descended into anarchy and fear as a state sponsored policy.

    Is sad to see the opportunity lost when people in public positions were rich overnight while we, the regular people lost our wages to the highest inflation in the world and violent crime.

    I want to say yes F the exterior policies of the US meddling with all economic interests in the world, but don’t lose focus because of this of the damaged Chavez and Maduro put on Venezuelans clinging to power.