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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • No! I’m trying to avoid ideology and find practicality. I’m looking for a community of family members that have dealt with this, so I can have an honest discussion. Nonody here knows anything about my child except the gender dysphoria that I mentioned, yet so many are telling me what I need to do and what my motives are.

    I’m looking for the exact opposite of what I’m finding here. There is no " one size fits all" approach because everyone is different. I’d like to be able to talk to family members and find ones whose child has had other similar issues and find out what has and hasn’t helped.

  • We’ve done that, and all I get is just them pushing them more forward than they even want. I’m looking for a different place that is more focused on healing (and I mean that for both my child, and for my family) rather than just pushing the “in” thing.

    My child has other issues and I believe that this medical facility is just ignoring them and trying to push their gender dysphoria forward without regard to the other, underlying issues.

    I know it’s a political hot potato, and the macro seems to outweigh the micro. People have their ideas they want to push, but I’m looking for people who have found solutions rather than trying to push their agenda.

    That site wants you to register. I’m really looking for an anonymous community, on Lemmy or possibly somewhere else, where people are free to discuss successes and failures in their own families without the fear of people bringing politics into it and trying to accuse them of hate. I’ve already gotten plenty of that with this post, and it’s very discouraging.

  • I don’t actually know the reasoning behind it. We have a rather small company and in 2003 we outsourced our accounting to a nationwide firm that does accounting for a lot of huge worldwide franchises. Our work weeks went from Monday to Sunday, but this accounting firm said that all their clients had Thursday to Wednesday weeks, so we had to change to that system. We’ve since taken our accounting system back inhouse, but we’ve kept the Thursday through Wednesday weeks.

    I had never heard of that weekly system before 2003, but now I’ve realized that it’s quite popular. I think it’s more of a system used in franchise type companies rather than manufacturing or other type businesses.

  • Which is what happens when you put the government in charge of your food. Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Hugo Chávez, among many others, all starved millions of people to death. Many Americans are scared to give the government too much power. Unfortunately, the government finds a way to seize that power anyway. I’m sure they’ll find a way to control the food supply. The only thing people can do is oppose it at every turn. Everything evil that the government does is cloaked in altruism, and compassion. Some people see through that cloak. It’s a shame that more people don’t see through it.

    I’m amazed at how many people look at the US as an evil invading power, and then wonder why the American people don’t want to let the government take more control over their daily lives. We see what they are doing all over the world, and we sure as hell don’t want it here. The US government is filled with the most evil and corrupt people this society has to offer. The fact that anyone would support anything those bastards do, or want to do, is beyond me.