Plume (She/Her)

Hi! I’m Plume. Whatever brings you here, feel free to ask me anything! :)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • We say this every fucking year! Come on, this is getting ridiculous! Stop it! There will never be a year of the Linux desktop and if anything, this post shows why.

    So much of the Linux community is utterly detached from what really matters to most users and focus on things that 80% of people won’t ever understand, care about or even use.

    We focus on this and meanwhile, little quality of life features constantly get ignored when these are the real things that users will encounter and that will piss them off. They get treated as trivial. They get ignored in favor of other things.

    Somebody mentioned it here. I saw it and I didn’t need them to mention it to want to say it. It’s already something that’s pissing me off. On Fedora for my Framework Laptop there is no way to adjust the scrolling speed on my trackpad which is moronically fast.

    We are on the 40th release of Fedora, the 46th release of GNOME, and somehow this still isn’t baked in. I still have to go look around and use the fucking terminal to do something this basic. When some of them try Linux and will eventually push them to go back to Windows. And when users complain about this, what do we get? A bunch of elitists telling them to fuck off to go back to Windows, which I also saw as responses to this complaint about the trackpad.

    Listen, Linux is an amazing project and I love it. I daily drive it. I don’t use Windows anywhere in my life. I haven’t touched OS in like two years at the very least. So many things that we are celebrating as brand new things that are finally working properly are things that already work by default on Windows and have been for years. We’re not going to convince people by mentioning that, “oh, we fixed this thing that’s been working forever on Windows.” It works on Linux now. People need more than this.

    You want to know the sad truth? Here we go. We, collectively here, users of platform like Lemmy, are a vocal minority who are detached from the reality of most users. We care about ads, we care about privacy and so on, but the reality is most that people don’t. Most people won’t even notice that those things are there. For so many people, Windows is just the thing that stands between them and launching Chrome. It already works for them. There’s no reason for them to switch.

    We are all way too invested in what runs on our computers and we forget that we are just us. Most people are not like us. Privacy scandals stop us from using stuff like social media and so on, but it clearly hasn’t stopped most of the world.

    People heard about the shit that Meta was and is doing. Did people stop using Instagram? No, they didn’t. People know what Google is doing, how many of them switched to DuckDuckGo? A clinical moron turning the platform into a far-right haven didn’t stop most users from using Twitter.

    The API bullshit didn’t stop most users from using Reddit. Sure there were protest, but I guarantee you that 99% who took part in the blackout just went back to it after. A lot of us didn’t. We left. We’re here now. But we’re still a tiny minority.

    Ask a Firefox user did telling Chrome users that privacy was important ever worked? I’m sure you will get examples of it working but it’s a minority. Most people don’t give a shit and they use Chrome.

    I don’t have a solution. I’m sorry, I made this long-ass comment but I don’t have much else to say. I don’t have a good solution to this problem.

  • I know someone else already mentioned it but I’m going to do the same. Notesnook. I have been using it for around six months now.

    I have been looking for the perfect note taking up for a long time. I have some of the same concern as you and Standard Notes looked like a promising app for me but it also looked really overpriced and kind of over complicated.

    Notesnook pretty much had everything I wanted. The most important thing for me is that it is completely cross-platform. It has perfect feature parity no matter where you are, no matter if you’re on the web app, the iOS app or the Android app, the Mac app, whatever. It has everything on all apps.

    It’s important to me because some apps are primarily developed for one platform and you can tell that while you pay the same price on another, you’re still a second class citizen. And you also get some apps which are in general scattered around feature-wise. So some client gets some features and other don’t. It’s weird. I mean look at the whole Proton suite between iOS and Android.

    It can sync with its own service, it works well enough, and it’s end to an encrypted which I love.

    And it’s fully open source! Which is the cherry on top.

    My only gripe with it is its editor. It supports markdown but it’s not really markdown. It’s a rich text editor with markdown support for formatting which is very different. The results are sensibly the same but more often than not if you copy and paste something that is already formatted from a markdown editor into the app, it won’t format it. You will get # and * everywhere but they won’t do what they’re meant to be doing. Because it’s made to interpret Markdown as you type it.

    I wish we could get an actual simple, rock solid Markdown editor. But other than that? Notesnook is the nest Note taking app I’ve used and I’ve tried plenty.

  • It sucks to see this. I didn’t watch this one, so maybe it’s actually funny? I don’t know. But I think the dude made some good jokes in the past which homed great points, about LGBTQ people in the US and how it easy it was for them to get rights compared to black people. And his trans jokes originally? I liked them! The car bit? Quite funny! And I think lots of people made a big deal out of it over nothing… it got a bit far, it made him spiteful and spite can turn people into absolute morons. Dude used to make jokes about trans people, funny ones too, like, my god, I’ll take any joke that isn’t: “If a MaN cAn idENTifY aS A WoMAn, thEn I idEntiFy as A [INSERT RANDOM OBJECT]” (kys)… but lately, he’s just been taking time off of his show to just spew his bad takes, as far as I can tell (again, I didn’t watch this one).

  • Okay, I’m going to go on a bit of a rant now, and it’s nothing against this particular creator. But at some point I have to put my foot down and say: No. Fuck this video.

    I don’t know who started this damn trend, but I’m so tired of these unnecessarily long videos. Your video should never be 4, 5 or even 6 hours long. What the fuck! Amazing documentaries have been made for decades and they never reached that amount of time. There is no reason why a video should be 6 hours long. I have other shit to do. At some point, just publish a book…

    And I know, that sweet retention time. But you can’t convince me you had so much to say and that everything in this video is so important that nothing couldn’t be taken out. I don’t believe you. I don’t need to click on this video to know it could be two and a half hours long at best. And if really, you have that much to say? Cut that shit into a series, then!

    Look, I already find it hard to watch a 30 minute video essay. Because most of the time, it doesn’t need to be that long and the person making it just won’t get to the damn point.

    Like, let’s say I’m watching a video about a game. If I’m watching this, chances are I already know the game. Or at least, just give some brief context. You don’t have to “but actually… whats’s a video game?” me and then to go into thé whole fucking history of video games and tell me about how life was for the developer when they was a sperm in someone’s balls…

    I’ll say this though, I used to make videos. I would write, record and edit the whole thing on my own. So a six hours long project? Yeah, I respect the hell out of that. But at some point, you need to think of the viewer. It’s unreasonable to ask someone to take this much time to do anything in their day. Cut it into multiple parts, I know chapters are a thing but YouTube remembering where I stopped watching is far too inconsistent for that.