
  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2022


  • I think I’m finally doing this “touching grass” thing people talk about, I just got an e-bike a few days ago so I’m finally able to get out of the house in a meaningful capacity since I can’t drive and I’m horribly out of shape, this lets me get around to places I need to go somewhat comfortably on my own while still letting me get a decent amount of physical activity (certainly far more than the near-zero I got before)

    I’ve done a few trips just for fun and it’s nuts just how much more you pay attention to and enjoy the environment compared to in a car, but today I did a grocery run and it was also very practical, I got a decent pannier bag I can clip to the bike that can be used as a shoulder bag or backpack and it holds a pretty decent amount

  • If it isn’t the biggest harassment campaign on the internet, then it’s at least one of them

    My thought about the person herself is that while she’s a pretty garbage person, it’s very clearly a result of the world around her treating her like shit on every level for basically her entire life, she grew up in a horrifically abusive right-wing household just to end up in constant attack by the worst people the internet’s had to offer, with those people shaping every aspect of her “growth” from that point forward, to the point of the 4chan harassers even going so far as to give her multiple fake friends and people trying to “help” her just to end up being part of the harassment campaign so that she can’t even know who she can trust even among people she knows IRL

    Just a shitshow on every level and it’s undeniable that she’s a massive victim here even if she hasn’t exactly been a good person herself (but again, that’s largely because of how she’s been a victim the whole time)

    (I think CWC still uses she/her? Someone correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been absolutely ages since I last checked for obvious reasons, I don’t like looking into this stuff lol)

  • A few years ago, the bus service in my town made massive cuts to routes and frequency, making the buses pretty much completely useless to me, I really miss taking the bus places

    But you know what I’m actually finding I miss the most about it? Having an excuse to actually get some reading done, I have an e-reader and being on the bus was the perfect time for me to use it, these days I rarely touch it because I have trouble focusing on that at home for various reasons, the bus trips were just long enough I could get some decent reading done and the small size and weight of my e-reader made it very convenient to do so, while using other devices was often inconvenient

    I almost never read through books, and that bothers me, especially since it means I’m really limiting myself in my understanding of theory, I basically had to fight myself to even get through a good chunk of State and Revolution, I don’t think I ever actually finished reading it

  • I was reading some of this and thinking maybe it was a bit exaggerated how much cars are specifically a weapon, but then I just saw this post about an article talking about someone in Vancouver who murdered a baby (and severely injured the father) by running a red light they could see very far in advance who got acquitted because “it was just a lil fucky wucky uwu” and the comments pointing out that this happens all the time, regardless of how massively illegal the driver’s behavior was

    Not to mention how many examples I’ve seen of drivers intentionally engaging in aggressive dangerous acts towards pedestrians and cyclists, which to be honest does leave me worried, as someone who plans to get an e-bike very soon and use it as my main form of transportation in an area without good bicycle infrastructure

    So yeah, the idea of cars being an intentional form of societal violence absolutely tracks

    Unfortunately, most supporters of good urbanism don’t understand how many intentional systemic factors are playing into it, they only see the symptoms, but then again I suppose if they saw these factors they wouldn’t be liberals

  • reddit logo users are harassing a trans person in the freedesktop organization for banning a well known bad actor from contributing, the guy who made hyprland, who encourages and participates in queerphobic harassment, especially against trans people

    It’s especially infuriating because previously people had reasonable discussions on /r/linux about how ridiculously shitty this guy is, but now pretend as if the accusations are completely unfounded, or pretend it doesn’t matter (the usual defense is “it’s his personal Discord, how can you ban him for stuff he does there??”), along with the usual complaints about “ideology infiltrating Linux” (this is especially hilarious seeing how many of these people also worship Richard Stallman), as well as the typical redditor idea that rules lawyering is perfectly valid because “debate” and any use of common sense moderation is “power tripping”

    But all he has to do is say “Red Hat Bad!!” (this isn’t even a Red Hat thing really) and write a few one-sided blog posts directly naming and shaming and everyone goes nuts

    Words can’t describe how upset I am at this situation, people like this are the absolute lowest scum of the Linux and free software community

    Do you think they even realize how many of the people who write the software they rely on are queer 🤔

  • Oh hey, I got my first “Reddit Cares” report on reddit! I haven’t posted anything politics related on there in a long time, so I think it was over a comment about e-bike safety which is just makes it so much funnier 🤣

    I love how they have to have an entire paragraph at the bottom telling you what to do if someone’s using the feature to bully or harass you, they clearly know that this is literally all the feature is used for yet they do nothing about it lmao